A Python client for elasticsearch.
handles the low-level interactions with elasticsearch,
allowing you to use native Python datatypes to index or perform queries.
conn = ElasticSearch('http://localhost:9200/') # Index some documents. conn.index({"name":"Joe Tester", "age": 25, "title": "QA Master"}, "contacts", "person", 1) conn.index({"name":"Jessica Coder", "age": 32, "title": "Programmer"}, "contacts", "person", 2) conn.index({"name":"Freddy Tester", "age": 29, "title": "Office Assistant"}, "contacts", "person", 3) # Refresh the index to pick up the latest documents. conn.refresh(["contacts"]) # Get just Jessica's document. jessica = conn.get("contacts", "person", 2) # Perform a simple search. results = conn.search("name:joe OR name:freddy") # Perform a search using the elasticsearch Query DSL (http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/query-dsl) query = { "query_string": { "query": "name:tester" }, "filtered": { "filter": { "range": { "age": { "from": 27, "to": 37, }, }, }, }, } results = conn.search(query) # Clean up. conn.delete_index("contacts")
For more examples, please check out the doctests & tests.py
Licensed under the New BSD license.
Used pysolr as a jumping off point - thanks guys.