
This project includes some basic source codes, configurations and external integrations to start a basic iOS project

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

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iOS Boilerplate

This project includes some basic source codes, configurations and external integrations to start a basic iOS project

Features included


  • README.md (this file)
  • CONTRIBUTING.md (sample file from Ruby On Rails)
  • LICENSE (initially MIT license)
  • .gitignore (created with gitignore.io)


  • Basic project directory estructure
│   │
│   └───Startup                // App start related classes, like Migrations
│   │   │   AppDelegate.swift
│   │   │
│   │   └───Migration          // Classes and models for persisted data migrations
│   │                          //  between versions
│   │
|   └───Features               // Features must be the real base of hole app.
|   |   |
|   |   └───SampleFeature1     // Each feature will have its own subdirectory structure
│   │
│   └───Shared                 // keep in this group all shared code between features
│   │   │
│   │   └───Configuration      // Classes with the app configuration, like serverURL 
│   │   └───Model              // Shared data model. Each Features will have its own models
│   │   └───Services
│   │   └───Extensions
│   │
│   └───Resources               // Resource files, like images, grouped by type
│       │
│       └───Environments        // Plist files with the configuration of each environment
│       │   │
│       │   └───Pro
│       │   │   └enviroments.plist
│       │   │
│       │   └───Dev
│       │   │   └enviroments.plist
│       │   │
│       │   └───UAT
│       │       └enviroments.plist
│       │
│       └───pdf
│       └───certificates
│       └───html
│       └───json
│       └───video
│       └───plist
└───Frameworks                // External projects, Swift Pacages, libraries and frameworks
│    │
│    └───CoreMotion.framework
│    │   libz.dylib
│    │   libarichive.framework
│    │
│    └───Security.framework

Sample codes


  • fastlane To manage the build of the project and publish the app into TestFlight and App Store
  • Swiftlint To analyze statically code quality

Furture integrations

  • Dangerfile To add automated customized rules to the process of Pull Request.
  • FormatterKit stringWithFormat: for the sophisticated hacker set
  • Crashlytics/Fabric
  • Turbolinks Mix web view controllers and native controllers to create hibrids apps without the hell of angular.js

Project wiki

How To install


  • Xcode 14+
  • iOS 14+
  • brew
  • fastlane
  • swiftlint

Getting the source

First, check out the source, including all the dependencies:

$ git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/madcato/iOS-Boilerplate

Installing other dependencies


$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"


$ xcode-select --install
$ brew install fastlane


$ brew install swiftlint

Configure SwiftLint editing file .swiftlint.yml in the root of the project.

Build with fastlane

$ fastlane build

The computer where fastlane is going to run must have the provissioning and private key installed

Send app to TestFlight with fastlane

$ fastlane beta

The computer where fastlane is going to run must have the provissioning and private key installed

Launch tests with fastlane

$ fastlane tests

Recommended links


  • Use font styles instead custon or system fonts. Define de font as Title 1, Body, Caption see UIFontTextStyle Apple documentation. This allows users to activate Acessibility custom fonts.
  • Define custom meaningful names for colors, like: orangeAction, redMain, yellowAccent, brandBlue. This way, if the designer needs to change one color, it's easier to change it in only one place.
  • Use UIAppearance protocol to define control styles. To simplify styles management.
  • Define custom a Theme class to define color, appearances and control styles. To allow to change theme or to create new ones.
  • Define custom clases inheriting form UIButton, UILabel, etc, to define styles of controls. Examples: MainButton class, CancelButton class. Use this clases implementation (or its appearances) to define colors, layouts and fonts. Assign this classes in the Storyboards.
  • Use Storyboards links to avoid creating only one big Storyboard, this makes compilation slower and git merging it a mess.

Screenshots with fastlane

Define where to capture screens in the file SnapshotUITest\SnapshotUITest.swift

    func testSnapshot() {
        let app = XCUIApplication()
        app.navigationBars["Root View Controller"].buttons["Login"].tap()
        app.tables.buttons["Sign in"].tap()

Then capture screenshots by running: $ fastlane snapshot

Upload those screenshots files to the App Store with: $ fastlane deliver

Localization helpers


Use class LocalizedString to handle localizations in models and view models.

let label = LocalizedString(label: "main_name")
uiLabel <= label


This class inherits from UILabel. Use this class to auto localize the text of a label loaded from a UIStoryboard. Create a UILabel control in yout Interface Builder, then change the field "Custom class" from UILabel to LocalizedLabel, and set in the "text" field the identifier of the label to be translated.


Don't use a mainstream architecture because of 'everyone do it'.

One methodology to make different parts of your app indepdendent from each other y to use a ReducerCenter.

Reducer architecture

  • ReducerCenter.shared is a singleton where each object that want to reduce some operation (called intents), must registered. Any code that want a reduction of an operation, must create an object of an Intent subclass, initialize it and pass it to the ReducerCenter.shared.reduce(operation: any Intent) method.
  • Intent Any struct that represent an operation to be reduced must implement this interface. Intents are only a way to make independent some clases: doesn't represent only to a user action, system event, notification. It can represent anything that must be reduced to other state.
  • Reducer Any object that want to behave as a reducer of intents must implement this interface. Then it must implement the reduce method and be registered in the ReducerCenter.
title: Reducer architecture diagram
  ReducerCenter o-- Reducer
  Intent <|-- ConcreteIntent1
  Intent <|-- ConcreteIntent2
  Reducer <|-- ConcreteReducer1
  Reducer <|-- ConcreteReducer2
  ConcreteReducer1 ..> ConcreteIntent1
  ConcreteReducer2 ..> ConcreteIntent2
  class ReducerCenter {
    reduce(any Intent)
    registry(any Intent, any Reducer)
  class Reducer {
    reduce(any Intent)
  class ConcreteIntent1 {
    value anyValue
    block success()
    block error()
  class ConcreteIntent2 {
    String anyString
    Int anyInt
    block success()
    block customReturn()
    block error()
  class ConcreteReducer1 {
    reduce(any ConcreteIntent1)
  class ConcreteReducer2 {
    reduce(any ConcreteIntent2)


When a concrete reducer must answer some data to the object that started the reduction, all the data must be returned by blocks of code. This includes errors, secuences, or any custom return value. Blocks can be called asynchronously

PR and versioning

Best method to keep a good flow of commits and merges is to use Gitlab Flow (What is GitLab Flow?).

If your are developing alone, and you don't require to have different versions published at the same time, best is to use main branch as production one. Then each new feature or fix can be developed and tested in its own branch. Finally that branch can be merged directly to main branch to be published in the next upload to production.

To manage versions best solution is to create tags. Each time you make a PR merge, check if the new changes are a major change, minor change or a fix. Then follow the instructions in the following section.

Each new PR merged into main should be tagged with its versión, or use this version change only when publishing.

Versioning and tagging

Usually versions have four numbers (three main, one for build if necessary), and also sometimes a suffix is needed to specify what kind of version is this.

  • major Change this number by adding one when the changes make this version become imcompatibe with previous one, and users must create new accounts or to migrate data from one an another. What best determine this is the data integrity: if a new verision make user data incompatible with previous one, then is a major change. But also can use this change to specify great changes in the app, like changing entire UI.
  • minor This number indicates one or more feature addition. But the app doesn't require data migration, or any other great change. Minor versions usually indicate that this app, library or code is compatible with previous minor versions.
  • fix Change this number when you are adding only features fixes.
  • build This number indicates a new build of the same code. Usually used in pre-production enviroments to help QA to identify what is the version where they found bugs.
  • suffix This identifier usually is some text to distinguish between different compilations, like different tarjets .arm, .x86, also to mark the state of the release .alpha, .beta, .candidate

Merging policy

The best merge policies are Squash and Merge or Squash and Rebase (the last one keeps main branch cleaner),the squash is really useful avoid leaving a lot of commits into the main branch.