
Maven plugin which includes build-time git repository information into an POJO / *.properties). Make your apps tell you which version exactly they were built from! Priceless in large distributed deployments... :-)

Primary LanguageJavaGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

maven git commit id plugin

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git-commit-id-plugin is a plugin quite similar to https://fisheye.codehaus.org/browse/mojo/tags/buildnumber-maven-plugin-1.0-beta-4 for example but as buildnumber at the time when I started this plugin only supported CVS and SVN, something had to be done. I had to quickly develop an git version of such a plugin. For those who don't know the previous plugins, let me explain what this plugin does:

Use cases

Which version had the bug? Is that deployed already?

If you develop your maven project inside an git repository you may want to know exactly what changeset is currently deployed. Why is this useful?

I worked in a team where the testers would come up to the development team and say: "hey, feature X is still broken!", to which a dev would reply "But I fixed it this morning!". Then they'd investigate a bit, only to see that the next version which would be deployed very soon included the needed fix, yet the developer already marked it as "ready for testing".

The fix here is obvious: include the version you fixed some bug in the issue comment where you mark it as "ready for testing". You can either do this via smart tooling (recommended), or just manually put in a comment like "fixed in v1.4.3-324-g45xhbghv" (that's a git-describe output - explained in detail bellow), so the testing crew knows it doesn't make sense to pickup testing of this feature until at least "324" (or greater) is included in the version output (it means "number of commits away from the mentioned tag" - readup on git-describe to understand how it works).

Make your distributed deployment aware of versions

Let's say you have a large distributed deployment where the servers need to talk to each other using some protocol. You have them configured to keep talking with servers of the same major + minor version number. So a server running "3.3.233" may still talk with one that has "3.3.120" - the protocol is guaranteed to not have changed in these versions.

And now imagine that you need to deploy a drastic API change - so the new version of the servers will be "3.4.0". You can't afford to bring the system down for the deployment. But as the servers are configured to only talk with compatible versions - you're in luck. You can start the deployment process and each node, one by one will be replaced with the new version - the old servers simply stop communicating with them, and the new versions start talking with each other until only the "new" nodes are left.

Using this plugin, you can easily expose the information needed - based on git tags for example. One might say that this is usually accomplished by using ${project.version} and I generally would agree, but maybe tags would fit your use case better than a plain version. :-)

Validate if properties are set as expected

Since version 2.2.2 the maven-git-commit-id-plugin comes equipped with an additional validation utility which can be used to verify if your project properties are set as you would like to have them set. The validation can be used for any property that is visible inside the pom.xml and therefore can be used for a various amount of different use cases. In order to understand the ideology and intention here are some pretty usefull ideas you could achive by using the validation:

  • validate if the version of your project does not end with SNAPSHOT
  • validate if you are currently on a tag
  • ensure that your repository is not dirty
  • may other's :-)

With the current version of the validation the user can decide if the build should fail if at least one of the defined criterias do not match with the desired values.

For flexibility and due to the fact that this validation has a different scope than the maven-git-commit-id-plugin this validation needs to be configured as additional execution inside the configuration of the pom.xml. Once configured, the validation is executed during the verification-phase. However since the validation is done in a separate execution the phase can easily be changed by adding the desired phase to the execution configuration.

Usage Example:

  <!-- verify that the project version does not end with `-SNAPSHOT` -->
    <name>validating project version</name>
    <!-- for future reference on this particular regex, please refer to lookahead and lookbehind expressions -->
    <!-- we could also use: <shouldMatchTo>^[0-9\.]*$</shouldMatchTo> -->
  <!-- verify that the current repository is not dirty -->
    <name>validating git dirty</name>
  <!-- verify that the current commit has a tag -->
    <name>validating current commit has a tag</name>

Required Configuration: If you plan to use this feature you'll want to know that the validation will be executed inside an additional mojo. Inside your pom you thus may want to add an additional execution tag that triggers the execution of the validation plugin. You can also change the default phase of each execution by adding a phase definition.

    <!-- *NOTE*: The default phase of validateRevision is verify, but in case you want to change it, you can do so by adding the phase here -->

Note : In order to be able to validate the generated git-properties inside the pom itself you may need to set the configuration <injectAllReactorProjects>true</injectAllReactorProjects>.


If you have a nice use case to share, please do fork this file and file a pull request with your story :-)

Getting the plugin

The plugin is available from Maven Central (see here), so you don't have to configure any additional repositories to use this plugin.

A detailed description of using the plugin is available in the Using the plugin section. All you need to do in the basic setup is to include that plugin definition in your pom.xml - more advanced configurations are also explained so... read on!


The current version is 2.2.4 (changelist).

You can check the available versions by visiting search.maven.org, though using the newest is obviously the best choice.

Migration Issues you may come across when using the latest 2.2.X

If you are already using the git-commit-id-plugin and would like to move to the latest major release (2.2.X) there are some design choices that resulted in the fact that we needed to dropped the support of Java 1.6 (if you still rely on this version, the 2.1.15 version still has support for this and you may want to check the fixed issues since then before reporting a new one).

Plugin compatibility with maven

Even though this plugin tries to be compatible with every Maven version there are some known limitations with specific versions. Here is a list that tries to outline the current state of the art:

Maven Version Plugin Version Notes
Maven 3.1.0 (and below) up to 2.1.13
Maven 3.1.1 (and onwards) any
Maven 3.0 (and onwards) from 2.2.4 With Maven 3.0.X SLF4J fails to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
Maven 3.3.1 any plugin version 2.1.14 doesn't work
Maven 3.3.3 any plugin version 2.1.14 doesn't work

Starting with Maven 3.1.1 any plugin version is currently compatible. Only known exception is for Maven 3.3.1 and Maven 3.3.3 where the plugin version 2.1.14 is not working properly.

Getting SNAPSHOT versions of the plugin

If you really want to use snapshots, here's the repository they are deployed to. But I highly recommend using only stable versions, from maven central... :-)

        <name>Sonatype Snapshots</name>

If you just would like to see what the plugin can do, you can clone the repository and run

mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true && mvn clean package -Pdemo -Dmaven.test.skip=true

Using the plugin

It's really simple to setup this plugin; below is a sample pom that you may base your pom.xml on. Note that it binds to the initialize phase by default such that all Git properties are available for use throughout the build lifecycle.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
         xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd"


    <dependencies />



                        <!-- *NOTE*: The default phase of validateRevision is verify, but in case you want to change it, you can do so by adding the phase here -->

                        If you'd like to tell the plugin where your .git directory is,
                        use this setting, otherwise we'll perform a search trying to
                        figure out the right directory. It's better to add it explicitly IMHO.

                    <!-- that's the default value, you don't have to set it -->

                    <!-- @since 2.2.0 -->
                         The current dateFormat is set to match maven's default ``yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ``
                         Please note that in previous versions (2.2.0 - 2.2.2) the default dateFormat was set to: ``dd.MM.yyyy '@' HH:mm:ss z``. However the `RFC 822 time zone` seems to give a more reliable option in parsing the date and it's being used in maven as default.

                    <!-- @since 2.2.0 -->
                         If you want to set the timezone of the dateformat to anything in particular you can do this by using this option. 
                         As a general warning try to avoid three-letter time zone IDs because the same abbreviation are often used for multiple time zones. 
                         The default value we'll use the timezone use the timezone that's shipped with java (java.util.TimeZone.getDefault().getID()). 
                         *Note*: If you plan to set the java's timezone by using `MAVEN_OPTS=-Duser.timezone=UTC mvn clean package`, `mvn clean package -Duser.timezone=UTC` or any other configuration keep in mind that this option will override those settings and will not take other configurations into account!

                    <!-- false is default here, it prints some more information during the build -->

                    <!-- ALTERNATE SETUP - GENERATE FILE -->
                        If you want to keep git information, even in your WAR file etc,
                        use this mode, which will generate a properties file (with filled out values)
                        which you can then normally read using new Properties().load(/**/)

                        This is false by default, forces the plugin to generate the git.properties file.
                        Note that the functional meaning of git.build.time becomes different in a very subtle way (see later in this README)

                        The path for the to be generated properties file, it's relative to ${project.basedir} 
                        The default value is ${project.build.outputDirectory}/git.properties

                        *Note*: If you plan to set the generateGitPropertiesFilename-Path to a location where usually the source-files
                                comes from (e.g. src/main/resources) and experience that your IDE (e.g. eclipse)
                                invokes "Maven Project Builder" once every second, the chances that you are using
                                an IDE where the src-folder is a watched folder for files that are *only* edited by humans is pretty high.
                                For further information refer to the manual for your specific IDE and check the workflow of "incremental project builders".
                                In order to fix this problem we recommend to set the generateGitPropertiesFilename-Path
                                to a target folder (e.g. ${project.build.outputDirectory}) since this is
                                the place where all derived/generated resources should go.

                    <!-- Denotes the format to save properties in. Valid options are "properties" (default) and "json". Properties will be saved to the generateGitPropertiesFilename if generateGitPropertiesFile is set to `true`. -->

                        this is true by default; You may want to set this to false, if the plugin should run inside a
                        <packaging>pom</packaging> project. Most projects won't need to override this property.

                        For an use-case for this kind of behaviour see: https://github.com/ktoso/maven-git-commit-id-plugin/issues/21

                    <!-- @since 2.1.4 -->
                        Tell maven-git-commit-id to inject the git properties into all reactor projects not just the current one.
                        For details about why you might want to skip this, read this issue: https://github.com/ktoso/maven-git-commit-id-plugin/pull/65
                        The property is set to ``false`` by default to prevent the overriding of properties that may be unrelated to the project.

                    <!-- @since 2.0.4 -->
                    <!-- true by default, controls whether the plugin will fail when no .git directory is found, when set to false the plugin will just skip execution -->                    

                    <!-- @since 2.1.5 -->
                    <!-- true by default, controls whether the plugin will fail if it was unable to obtain enough data for a complete run, if you don't care about this, you may want to set this value to false. -->

                    <!-- @since 2.1.8 -->
                        skip the plugin execution completely. This is useful for e.g. profile activated plugin invocations or
                        to use properties to enable / disable pom features. Default value is 'false'.
                        With version 2.2.3 you can also skip the plugin by using the commandline option -Dmaven.gitcommitid.skip=true

                    <!-- @since 2.1.12 -->
                       Use with caution!

                       In a multi-module build, only run once. This means that the plugins effects will only execute once, for the parent project.
                       This probably won't "do the right thing" if your project has more than one git repository.

                       Important: If you're using `generateGitPropertiesFile`, setting `runOnlyOnce` will make the plugin
                       only generate the file in the directory where you started your build (!).

                       Important: Please note that the git-commit-id-plugin also has an option to skip pom project (`<packaging>pom</packaging>`).
                       If you plan to use the `runOnlyOnce` option alongside with an aggregator pom you may want to set `<skipPoms>false</skipPoms>`.

                       The `git.*` maven properties are available in all modules.
                       Default value is `false`.

                    <!-- @since 2.1.9 -->
                        Can be used to exclude certain properties from being emitted into the resulting file.
                        May be useful when you want to hide {@code git.remote.origin.url} (maybe because it contains your repo password?),
                        or the email of the committer etc.

                        Each value may be globbing, that is, you can write {@code git.commit.user.*} to exclude both, the {@code name},
                        as well as {@code email} properties from being emitted into the resulting files.

                        Please note that the strings here are Java regexes ({@code .*} is globbing, not plain {@code *}).
                      <!-- <excludeProperty>git.user.*</excludeProperty> -->

                    <!-- @since 2.1.14 -->
                        Can be used to include only certain properties into the resulting file.
                        Will be overruled by the exclude properties.

                        Each value may be globbing, that is, you can write {@code git.commit.user.*} to include both, the {@code name},
                        as well as {@code email} properties into the resulting files.

                        Please note that the strings here are Java regexes ({@code .*} is globbing, not plain {@code *}).
                      <!-- <includeOnlyProperty>^git.commit.id.full$</includeOnlyProperty> -->

                    <!-- @since 2.2.3 -->
                        Can be used to replace certain characters or strings using regular expressions within the generated git properties.
                        Sample usecase (see below): replace the '/' with '-' in the branch name when using branches like 'feature/feature_name'

                        Replacements can be configured with a replacementProperty. A replacementProperty can have a `property` and a `regex`-Tag.
                        If the replacementProperty configuration has a `property`-tag the replacement will only be performed on that specific property (e.g. `<property>git.branch</property>` will only be performed on `git.branch`).
                        In case this specific element is not defined or left empty the replacement will be performed *on all generated properties*.
                        The optional `regex`-Tag can either be true to perform a replacement with regular expressions or false to perform a replacement with java's string.replace-function. by default the replacement will be performed with regular expressions.
                        Furthermore each replacementProperty need to be configured with a token and a value.
                        The token can be seen as the needle and the value as the text to be written over any found tokens. If using regular expressions the value can reference grouped regex matches by using $1, $2, etc.

                        Since 2.2.4 the plugin allows to define a even more sophisticated ruleset and allows to set an `propertyOutputSuffix` within each replacement property. If this option is empty the original property will be overwritten (default behaviour in 2.2.3). however when this configuration is set to `something` and a user wants to modify the `git.branch` property the plugin will keep `git.branch` as the original one (w/o modifications) but also will be creating a new `git.branch.something` property with the requested replacement.
                        Furthermore with 2.2.4 the plugin allows to perform certain types of string manipulation either before or after the evaluation of the replacement. With this feature a user can currently easily manipulate the case (e.g. lower case VS upper case) of the input/output property. This behaviour can be achieved by defining a list of `transformationRules` for the property where those rules should take effect. Each `transformationRule` consist of two required fields `apply` and `action`. The `apply`-tag controls when the rule should be applied and can be set to `BEFORE` to have the rule being applied before or it can be set to `AFTER` to have the rule being applied after the replacement. The `action`-tag determines the string conversion rule that should be applied. Currently supported is `LOWER_CASE` and `UPPER_CASE`. Potential candidates in the feature are `CAPITALIZATION` and `INVERT_CASE``(open a ticket if you need them...).

                        Please note that the replacement will *only be applied to properties that are being generated by the plugin*.
                        If you want to replace properties that are being generated by other plugins you may want to use the maven-replacer-plugin or any other alternative.
                      <!-- example: apply replacement only to the specific property git.branch and replace '/' with '-'

                    <!-- @since 2.1.10 -->
                      false is default here, if set to true it uses native `git` executable for extracting all data.
                      This usually has better performance than the default (jgit) implementation, but requires you to 
                      have git available as executable for the build as well as *might break unexpectedly* when you 
                      upgrade your system-wide git installation.
                      As rule of thumb - stay on `jgit` (keep this `false`) until you notice performance problems.

                    <!-- @since v2.0.4 -->
                         Controls the length of the abbreviated git commit it (git.commit.id.abbrev)

                         Defaults to `7`.
                         `0` carries the special meaning.
                         Maximum value is `40`, because of max SHA-1 length.

                    <!-- @since v2.2.0 -->
                         The option can be used to tell the plugin how it should generate the 'git.commit.id' property. Due to some naming issues when exporting the properties as an json-object (https://github.com/ktoso/maven-git-commit-id-plugin/issues/122) we needed to make it possible to export all properties as a valid json-object.
                         Due to the fact that this is one of the major properties the plugin is exporting we just don't want to change the exporting mechanism and somehow throw the backwards compatibility away.
                         We rather provide a convenient switch where you can choose if you would like the properties as they always had been, or if you rather need to support full json-object compatibility.
                         In the case you need to fully support json-object we unfortunately need to change the 'git.commit.id' property from 'git.commit.id' to 'git.commit.id.full' in the exporting mechanism to allow the generation of a fully valid json object.

                         Currently the switch allows two different options:
                         1. By default this property is set to 'flat' and will generate the formerly known property 'git.commit.id' as it was in the previous versions of the plugin. Keeping it to 'flat' by default preserve backwards compatibility and does not require further adjustments by the end user.
                         2. If you set this switch to 'full' the plugin will export the formerly known property 'git.commit.id' as 'git.commit.id.full' and therefore will generate a fully valid json object in the exporting mechanism.

                         *Note*: Depending on your plugin configuration you obviously can choose the 'prefix' of your properties by setting it accordingly in the plugin's configuration. As a result this is therefore only an illustration what the switch means when the 'prefix' is set to it's default value.
                         *Note*: If you set the value to something that's not equal to 'flat' or 'full' (ignoring the case) the plugin will output a warning and will fallback to the default 'flat' mode.

                    <!-- @since 2.1.0 -->
                        read up about git-describe on the in man, or it's homepage - it's a really powerful versioning helper 
                        and the recommended way to use git-commit-id-plugin. The configuration bellow is optional, 
                        by default describe will run "just like git-describe on the command line", even though it's a JGit reimplementation.
                        <!-- don't generate the describe property -->
                            if no tag was found "near" this commit, just print the commit's id instead, 
                            helpful when you always expect this field to be not-empty 
                             how many chars should be displayed as the commit object id? 
                             7 is git's default, 
                             0 has a special meaning (see end of this README.md), 
                             and 40 is the maximum value here 
                        <!-- when the build is triggered while the repo is in "dirty state", append this suffix -->

                        <!-- Only consider tags matching the given pattern. This can be used to avoid leaking private tags from the repository. -->

                            when you run git-describe it only looks only for *annotated tags* by default
                            if you wish to consider *lightweight tags* in your describe as well you would need to switch this to *true*

                            The difference between *annotated tags* and *lightweight tags* is outlined in more depth here:

                             always print using the "tag-commits_from_tag-g_commit_id-maybe_dirty" format, even if "on" a tag. 
                             The distance will always be 0 if you're "on" the tag. 

                    <!-- @since 2.2.2 -->
                        Since version **2.2.2** the maven-git-commit-id-plugin comes equipped with an additional validation utility which can be used to verify if your project properties are set as you would like to have them set.
                        *Note*: This configuration will only be taken into account when the additional goal `validateRevision` is configured inside an execution.
                                 A descriptive name that will be used to be able to identify the validation that does not match up (will be displayed in the error message).
                            <name>validating project version</name>
                                 the value that needs the validation
                                 *Note* : In order to be able to validate the generated git-properties inside the pom itself you may need to set the configuration `<injectAllReactorProjects>true</injectAllReactorProjects>`. 
                                the expected value
                        <!-- the next validationProperty you would like to validate -->

                    <!-- @since 2.2.2 -->
                        true by default, controls whether the validation will fail if *at least one* of the validationProperties does not match with it's expected values. 
                        If you don't care about this, you may want to set this value to false (this makes the configuration of validationProperties useless).
                        *Note*: This configuration will only be taken into account when the additional goal `validateRevision` is configured inside an execution and at least one validationProperty is defined.

                    <!-- @since 2.2.4 -->
                        Allow to tell the plugin what commit should be used as reference to generate the properties from.
                        By default this property is simply set to `HEAD` which should reference to the latest commit in your repository.

                        In general this property can be set to something generic like `HEAD^1` or point to a branch or tag-name.
                        To support any kind or use-case this configuration can also be set to an entire commit-hash or it's abbreviated version.

                        A use-case for this feature can be found in https://github.com/ktoso/maven-git-commit-id-plugin/issues/338.

                        Please note that for security purposes not all references might be allowed as configuration.
                        If you have a specific use-case that is currently not white listed feel free to file an issue.


            <!-- other plugins -->

Based on the above part of a working POM you should be able to figure out the rest, I mean you are a maven user after all... ;-) Note that the resources filtering is important for this plugin to work, don't omit it!

Now you just have to include such a properties file in your project under /src/main/resources (and call it git.properties for example) and maven will put the appropriate properties in the placeholders:

  OR (depends on commitIdGenerationMode)


The git prefix may be configured in the plugin declaration above.

Maven resource filtering + Spring = GitRepositoryState Bean

You'll most probably want to wire these plugins somehow to get easy access to them during runtime. We'll use spring as an example of doing this. Start out with with adding the above steps to your project, next paste this git-bean.xml into the /src/main/resources/ directory (or any other, just adjust the paths later on):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
       xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-3.0.xsd">

    <bean name="gitRepositoryInformation" class="pl.project13.maven.example.git.GitRepositoryState">
        <property name="tags" value="${git.tags}"/>
        <property name="branch" value="${git.branch}"/>
        <property name="dirty" value="${git.dirty}"/>
        <property name="remoteOriginUrl" value="${git.remote.origin.url}"/>

        <property name="commitId" value="${git.commit.id.full}"/>
        <!-- OR value="${git.commit.id}" depending on your configuration of commitIdGenerationMode -->
        <property name="commitIdAbbrev" value="${git.commit.id.abbrev}"/>
        <property name="describe" value="${git.commit.id.describe}"/>
        <property name="describeShort"  value="${git.commit.id.describe-short}"/>
        <property name="commitUserName" value="${git.commit.user.name}"/>
        <property name="commitUserEmail" value="${git.commit.user.email}"/>
        <property name="commitMessageFull" value="${git.commit.message.full}"/>
        <property name="commitMessageShort" value="${git.commit.message.short}"/>
        <property name="commitTime" value="${git.commit.time}"/>
        <property name="closestTagName" value="${git.closest.tag.name}"/>
        <property name="closestTagCommitCount" value="${git.closest.tag.commit.count}"/>

        <property name="buildUserName" value="${git.build.user.name}"/>
        <property name="buildUserEmail" value="${git.build.user.email}"/>
        <property name="buildTime" value="${git.build.time}"/>
        <property name="buildHost" value="${git.build.host}"/>
        <property name="buildVersion" value="${git.build.version}"/>

And here's the source of the bean we're binding here:

package pl.project13.maven.example.git;

import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonWriteNullProperties;

* A spring controlled bean that will be injected
* with properties about the repository state at build time.
* This information is supplied by my plugin - <b>pl.project13.maven.git-commit-id-plugin</b>
public class GitRepositoryState {
  String tags;                    // =${git.tags} // comma separated tag names
  String branch;                  // =${git.branch}
  String dirty;                   // =${git.dirty}
  String remoteOriginUrl;         // =${git.remote.origin.url}

  String commitId;                // =${git.commit.id.full} OR ${git.commit.id}
  String commitIdAbbrev;          // =${git.commit.id.abbrev}
  String describe;                // =${git.commit.id.describe}
  String describeShort;           // =${git.commit.id.describe-short}
  String commitUserName;          // =${git.commit.user.name}
  String commitUserEmail;         // =${git.commit.user.email}
  String commitMessageFull;       // =${git.commit.message.full}
  String commitMessageShort;      // =${git.commit.message.short}
  String commitTime;              // =${git.commit.time}
  String closestTagName;          // =${git.closest.tag.name}
  String closestTagCommitCount;   // =${git.closest.tag.commit.count}

  String buildUserName;           // =${git.build.user.name}
  String buildUserEmail;          // =${git.build.user.email}
  String buildTime;               // =${git.build.time}
  String buildHost;               // =${git.build.host}
  String buildVersion             // =${git.build.version}

  public GitRepositoryState() {
  /* Generate setters and getters here */

The source for it is also on the repo of this plugin. Of course, feel free to drop out the jackson annotation if you won't be using it.

The last configuration related thing we need to do is to load up this bean in your appContext, so open up your applicationContext.xml or whatever you call it in your project and add these lines in the section:

<context:property-placeholder location="classpath:*.properties" />
<import resource="classpath:/git-bean.xml"/>

Of course, you may adjust the paths and file locations as you please, no problems here... :-) Now you're ready to use your GitRepositoryState Bean! Let's create an sample Spring MVC Controller to test it out:

public class GitService extends BaseWebService {

  GitRepositoryState gitRepoState;

  public ModelAndView checkGitRevision() throws WebServiceAuthenticationException {
    ServerResponse<GitRepositoryState> response = new ServerResponse<GitRepositoryState>(gitRepoState);
    return createMAV(response);

Don't mind the createMAV and responses stuff, it's just example code. And feel free to use constructor injection, it's actually a better idea ;-)

In the end this is what this service would return:

         "tags" : "v2.1.14,testing",
         "branch" : "testing-maven-git-plugin",
         "dirty" : "false",
         "remoteOriginUrl" : "git@github.com\:ktoso/maven-git-commit-id-plugin.git",
         "commitId" : "787e39f61f99110e74deed68ab9093088d64b969",
         "commitIdAbbrev" : "787e39f",
         "describe" : "v2.1.0-2-g2346463",
         "describeShort" : "v2.1.0-2",
         "commitUserName" : "Konrad Malawski",
         "commitUserEmail" : "konrad.malawski@java.pl",
         "commitMessageFull" : "releasing my fun plugin :-)
                                + fixed some typos
                                + cleaned up directory structure
                                + added license etc",
         "commitMessageShort" : "releasing my fun plugin :-)",
         "commitTime" : "06.01.1970 @ 16:16:26 CET",
         "closestTagName" : "v2.1.0",
         "closestTagCommitCount" : "2",
         "buildUserName" : "Konrad Malawski",
         "buildUserEmail" : "konrad.malawski@java.pl",
         "buildTime" : "06.01.1970 @ 16:17:53 CET",
         "buildHost" : "github.com",
         "buildVersion" : "v2.1.0-SNAPSHOT"

The easier way: generate git.properties

There's another way to use the plugin, it's a little bit easier I guess. First, configure it to generate a properties file on each run, goto the pom.xml and set:

    <!-- ... -->

    <!-- this is false by default, forces the plugin to generate the git.properties file -->

    <!-- The path for the properties file to be generated. See Super Pom for default variable reference https://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-the-pom.html -->

Then run the project as you would normally, the file will be created for you. And you may access it as you'd access any other properties file, for example like this:

public GitRepositoryState getGitRepositoryState() throws IOException
   if (gitRepositoryState == null)
      Properties properties = new Properties();

      gitRepositoryState = new GitRepositoryState(properties);
   return gitRepositoryState;

You'd have to add such an constructor to your GitRepositoryState bean:

public GitRepositoryState(Properties properties)
  this.tags = String.valueOf(properties.get("git.tags"));
  this.branch = String.valueOf(properties.get("git.branch"));
  this.dirty = String.valueOf(properties.get("git.dirty"));
  this.remoteOriginUrl = String.valueOf(properties.get("git.remote.origin.url"));

  this.commitId = String.valueOf(properties.get("git.commit.id.full")); // OR properties.get("git.commit.id") depending on your configuration
  this.commitIdAbbrev = String.valueOf(properties.get("git.commit.id.abbrev"));
  this.describe = String.valueOf(properties.get("git.commit.id.describe"));
  this.describeShort = String.valueOf(properties.get("git.commit.id.describe-short"));
  this.commitUserName = String.valueOf(properties.get("git.commit.user.name"));
  this.commitUserEmail = String.valueOf(properties.get("git.commit.user.email"));
  this.commitMessageFull = String.valueOf(properties.get("git.commit.message.full"));
  this.commitMessageShort = String.valueOf(properties.get("git.commit.message.short"));
  this.commitTime = String.valueOf(properties.get("git.commit.time"));
  this.closestTagName = String.valueOf(properties.get("git.closest.tag.name"));
  this.closestTagCommitCount = String.valueOf(properties.get("git.closest.tag.commit.count"));

  this.buildUserName = String.valueOf(properties.get("git.build.user.name"));
  this.buildUserEmail = String.valueOf(properties.get("git.build.user.email"));
  this.buildTime = String.valueOf(properties.get("git.build.time"));
  this.buildHost = String.valueOf(properties.get("git.build.host"));
  this.buildVersion = String.valueOf(properties.get("git.build.version"));

Note on the generated git.build.time

Note that when writing the git.properties file the value git.build.time will only be updated when things in the commit information have changed. If you only change a bit of your code and rebuild/rerun you will see an older timestamp that you may have expected.

Essentially the functional meaning becomes The latest build time when the git information was written to the git.properties file .

The reason why this was done can be found in issue 151.

If you need the actual build time then simply use the a filtered properties file that contains something like this


Yet another way to use the plugin

Rather than reading properties files at runtime or injecting with spring, you can filter a Java source file directly and place it into src/main/java with an ignore, or into generated sources directory within the target directory. This has some minor advantages and disadvantages, but is useful for avoiding runtime injection or lookup from properties files that might get lost during repackaging later if used within a library.

Git describe - short intro to an awesome command

Git's describe command is the best way to really see "where" a commit is in the repositories "timeline".

In svn you could easily determine by looking at two revisions (their numbers) which one is "newer" (they look like that r239, r240 ...). Since git is using SHA-1 checksums to identify commits, it's hard to tell which one is "newer" (or can you tell me? b6a73ed or 9597545?). Using describe you can get a part of this back, and even more - you can know the "nearest" tag for a commit. And as tags are used for versioning most of the time that's super useful to track development progress.

Let's get an example to explain git-describe on it:

* 2414721 - (HEAD, master) third addition (8 hours ago) <Konrad Malawski>
| d37a598 - second line (8 hours ago) <Konrad Malawski>
| 9597545 - (v1.0) initial commit (8 hours ago) <Konrad Malawski>

Running git-describe when you're on the HEAD here, will yield:

> git describe

The format of a describe result is defined as:

 ^   ^  ^       ^
 |   |  |       \-- if a dirtyMarker was given, it will appear here if the repository is in "dirty" state
 |   |  \---------- the "g" prefixed commit id. The prefix is compatible with what git-describe would return - weird, but true.
 |   \------------- the number of commits away from the found tag. So "2414721" is 2 commits ahead of "v1.0", in this example.
 \----------------- the "nearest" tag, to the mentioned commit.

Other outputs may look like:

  • v1.0 - if the repository is "on a tag" (though describe can be forced to print v1.0.4-0-g2414721 instead if you want -- use the full config option),
  • v1.0-DEV - if the repository is "on a tag", but in "dirty" state. This dirty marker can, and will be included wherever possible,
  • 2414721 - a plain commit id hash if not tags were defined (of determined "near" this commit). It does NOT include the "g" prefix, that is used in the "full" describe output format!

For more details (on when what output will be returned etc), see man git-describe (or here: git-describe). In general, you can assume it's a "best effort" approach, to give you as much info about the repo state as possible.

describe-short is also provided, in case you want to display this property to non-techy users, which would panic on the sight of a hash (last part of the describe string) - this property is simply the describe output, with the hash part stripped out.

git-describe and a small "gotcha" with tags

You probably know that git has two kinds of tags:

  • lightweight tags - which are only a pointer to some object,
  • annotated tags - which are the same as a lightweight tag and contain additional information, such as a message linked with the tag.

Knowing this, I now can tell you that when you run git-describe, it (by default) looks only for annotated tags. What this means in a real life scenario can be explained on such repository:

b6a73ed - (HEAD, master)
d37a598 - (v1.0-fixed-stuff) - a lightweight tag (with no message)
9597545 - (v1.0) - an annotated tag

When you run git describe without any options (note that git-commit-id is "acting like" plain git, so all behaviour is as described here, unless you configure it to act otherwise (using the <tags>true</tags> option)):

> git describe
  annotated-tag-2-gb6a73ed     # the nearest "annotated" tag is found

So it did not find the lightweight tag! Do not panic, there's a flag to help with that:

> git describe --tags
  lightweight-tag-1-gb6a73ed   # the nearest tag (including lightweights) is found

Using only annotated tags to mark builds may be useful if you're using tags to help yourself with annotating things like "i'll get back to that" etc - you don't need such tags to be exposed. But if you want lightweight tags to be included in the search, enable this option.

TIP: If you're using maven's `release:prepare` and `release:perform` it's using annotated tags.

Configuration options in depth

An in depth recap of the available configuration parameters. Note that all of them are optional, though you will probably want to fine tune the plugin to act exactly the way you want.

Optional parameters:

  • dotGitDirectory - (default: ${project.basedir}/.git) the location of your .git folder. ${project.basedir}/.git is the default value and will most probably be ok for single module projects, in other cases please use ../ to get higher up in the dir tree. An example would be: ${project.basedir}/../.git which I'm currently using in my projects :-)
  • prefix - (default: git) is the "namespace" for all exposed properties
  • dateFormat - (default: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ) is a normal SimpleDateFormat String and will be used to represent git.build.time and git.commit.time
  • dateFormatTimeZone - (default: empty) (available since v2.2.0) is a TimeZone String (e.g. 'America/Los_Angeles', 'GMT+10', 'PST') and can be used to set the timezone of the dateFormat to anything in particular. As a general warning try to avoid three-letter time zone IDs because the same abbreviation are often used for multiple time zones. The default value we'll use the timezone use the timezone that's shipped with java (java.util.TimeZone.getDefault().getID()). Note: If you plan to set the java's timezone by using MAVEN_OPTS=-Duser.timezone=UTC mvn clean package, mvn clean package -Duser.timezone=UTC or any other configuration keep in mind that this option will override those settings and will not take other configurations into account!
  • verbose - (default: false) if true the plugin will print a summary of all collected properties when it's done
  • generateGitPropertiesFile -(default: false) this is false by default, forces the plugin to generate the git.properties file
  • generateGitPropertiesFilename - (default: ${project.build.outputDirectory}/git.properties) - The path for the to be generated properties file. The path can be relative to ${project.basedir} (e.g. target/classes/git.properties) or can be a full path (e.g. ${project.build.outputDirectory}/git.properties).
  • format - (default: properties) Denotes the format to save properties in. Valid options are "properties" (default) and "json". Properties will be saved to the generateGitPropertiesFilename if generateGitPropertiesFile is set to true.
  • skipPoms - (default: true) - Force the plugin to run even if you're inside of an pom packaged project.
  • injectAllReactorProjects - (default: false) - Tell maven-git-commit-id to inject the git properties into all reactor projects not just the current one. The property is set to false by default to prevent the overriding of properties that may be unrelated to the project. If you need to expose your git properties to another maven module (e.g. maven-antrun-plugin) you need to set it to true. However, setting this option can have an impact on your build. For details about why you might want to skip this, read this issue: git-commit-id#65
  • failOnNoGitDirectory - (default: true) (available since v2.0.4) - Specify whether the plugin should fail when a .git directory cannot be found. When set to false and no .git directory is found the plugin will skip execution.
  • failOnUnableToExtractRepoInfo - (default: true) (available since v2.1.5) - By default the plugin will fail the build if unable to obtain enough data for a complete run, if you don't care about this, you may want to set this value to false.
  • skip - (default: false) (available since v2.1.8) - Skip the plugin execution completely. With version 2.2.3 you can also skip the plugin by using the commandline option -Dmaven.gitcommitid.skip=true
  • runOnlyOnce - (default: false) (available since v2.1.12) - Use with caution! In a multi-module build, only run once. This means that the plugins effects will only execute once, for the parent project. This probably won't "do the right thing" if your project has more than one git repository. Important: If you're using generateGitPropertiesFile, setting runOnlyOnce will make the plugin only generate the file in the directory where you started your build ⚠️. The git.* maven properties are available in all modules. Please note that the git-commit-id-plugin also has an option to skip pom project (<packaging>pom</packaging>). If you plan to use the runOnlyOnce option alongside with an aggregator pom you may want to set <skipPoms>false</skipPoms>.
  • excludeProperties - (default: empty) (available since v2.1.9) - Allows to filter out properties that you don't want to expose. This feature was implemented in response to this issue, so if you're curious about the use-case, check that issue.
  • includeOnlyProperties - (default: empty) (available since v2.1.14) - Allows to include only properties that you want to expose. This feature was implemented to avoid big exclude properties tag when we only want very few specific properties.
  • replacementProperties - (default: empty) (available since v2.2.3) Can be used to replace certain characters or strings using regular expressions within the generated git properties. This feature was implemented in response to this issue, so if you're curious about the use-case, check that issue.
  • useNativeGit - (default: false) (available since v2.1.10) - Uses the native git binary instead of the custom jgit implementation shipped with this plugin to obtain all information. Although this should usually give your build some performance boost, it may randomly break if you upgrade your git version and it decides to print information in a different format suddenly. As rule of thumb, keep using the default jgit implementation (keep this option set to false) until you notice performance problems within your build (usually when you have hundreds of maven modules).
  • abbrevLength - (default: 7) (available since v2.0.4) - Configure the "git.commit.id.abbrev" property to be at least of length N (see gitDescribe abbrev for special case abbrev = 0).
  • commitIdGenerationMode - (default: flat) (available since v2.2.0) is an option that can be used to tell the plugin how it should generate the 'git.commit.id' property. Due to some naming issues when exporting the properties as an json-object (git-commit-id#122) we needed to make it possible to export all properties as a valid json-object. Currently the switch allows two different options:
  1. By default this property is set to 'flat' and will generate the formerly known property 'git.commit.id' as it was in the previous versions of the plugin. Keeping it to 'flat' by default preserve backwards compatibility and does not require further adjustments by the end user.
  2. If you set this switch to 'full' the plugin will export the formerly known property 'git.commit.id' as 'git.commit.id.full' and therefore will generate a fully valid json object in the exporting mechanism.

Note: Depending on your plugin configuration you obviously can choose the 'prefix' of your properties by setting it accordingly in the plugin's configuration. As a result this is therefore only an illustration what the switch means when the 'prefix' is set to it's default value. Note: If you set the value to something that's not equal to 'flat' or 'full' (ignoring the case) the plugin will output a warning and will fallback to the default 'flat' mode.

  • evaluateOnCommit - (default: HEAD) (available since v2.2.4) Allow to tell the plugin what commit should be used as reference to generate the properties from. By default this property is simply set to HEAD which should reference to the latest commit in your repository. In general this property can be set to something generic like HEAD^1 or point to a branch or tag-name. To support any kind or use-case this configuration can also be set to an entire commit-hash or it's abbreviated version. Please note that for security purposes not all references might be allowed as configuration. If you have a specific use-case that is currently not white listed feel free to file an issue.

gitDescribe: Worth pointing out is, that git-commit-id tries to be 1-to-1 compatible with git's plain output, even though the describe functionality has been reimplemented manually using JGit (you don't have to have a git executable to use the plugin). So if you're familiar with git-describe, you probably can skip this section, as it just explains the same options that git provides.

  • abbrev - (default: 7) in the describe output, the object id of the hash is always abbreviated to N letters, by default 7. The typical describe output you'll see therefore is: v2.1.0-1-gf5cd254, where -1- means the number of commits away from the mentioned tag and the -gf5cd254 part means the first 7 chars of the current commit's id f5cd254. Please note that the g prefix is included to notify you that it's a commit id, it is NOT part of the commit's object id - this is default git behaviour, so we're doing the same. You can set this to any value between 0 and 40 (inclusive).
  • abbrev = 0 is a special case. Setting abbrev to 0 has the effect of hiding the "distance from tag" and "object id" parts of the output, so you end up with just the "nearest tag" (that is, instead tag-12-gaaaaaaa with abbrev = 0 you'd get tag).
  • dirty - (default: "-dirty") when you run describe on a repository that's in "dirty state" (has uncommitted changes), the describe output will contain an additional suffix, such as "-devel" in this example: v3.5-3-g2222222-devel. You can configure that suffix to be anything you want, "-DEV" being a nice example. The "-" sign should be included in the configuration parameter, as it will not be added automatically. If in doubt run git describe --dirty=-my_thing to see how the end result will look like.
  • tags - (default: false) if true this option enables matching a lightweight (non-annotated) tag.
  • match - (default: *) only consider tags matching the given pattern (can be used to avoid leaking private tags made from the repository)
  • long - (default: false) git-describe, by default, returns just the tag name, if the current commit is tagged. Use this option to force it to format the output using the typical describe format. An example would be: tagname-0-gc0ffebabe - notice that the distance from the tag is 0 here, if you don't use forceLongFormat mode, the describe for such commit would look like this: tagname.
  • always - (default: true) if unable to find a tag, print out just the object id of the current commit. Useful when you always want to return something meaningful in the describe property.
  • skip - (default: false) when you don't use git-describe information in your build, you can opt to be calculate it.

validationProperties Since version 2.2.2 the maven-git-commit-id-plugin comes equipped with an additional validation utility which can be used to verify if your project properties are set as you would like to have them set. This feature ships with an additional mojo execution and for instance allows to check if the version is not a snapshot build. If you are interested in the config checkout thevalidation utility documentation.

All options are documented in the code, so just use ctrl + q (intellij @ linux) or f1 (intellij @ osx) when writing the options in pom.xml - you'll get examples and detailed information about each option (even more than here).

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

Supported Maven & Java Versions

Checkout the Plugin compatibility with maven section of this readme to find out what Maven version this plugin currently supports. If you still rely on Java 1.6 you can use the plugin version 2.1.15 - more Information can be found in Migration Issues you may come across when using the latest 2.2.X

Generated properties are not usable inside the pom / properties don't get exposed by the plugin

Since version 2.1.4 there is a switch to control if you want the plugin to expose the generated properties to your pom as well. This switch is set to false by default to ensure that properties of reactor builds can't be overwritten by accident. Thus if you need this feature set <injectAllReactorProjects>true</injectAllReactorProjects> inside the plugin's config.

If the properties are empty for some reason verify with the maven-antrun-plugin if they are correctly exposed. Example:

          <echo>Git-Infos: ${git.commit.id}</echo>

If you are using the maven build with Maven's Plugin Prefix Resolution (e.g. mvn somePrefix:goal) please note that this currently seems to be not supported by maven. Instead of using the Plugin Prefix Resolution add an execution tag that calls the desired goal of the plugin within a normal maven life cycle (e.g. mvn clean package).

Generated properties are not being used in install and/or deploy

If you try to use generated properties like ${git.commit.id} alongside with your artificat finalName you will soon notice that those properties are not being used in install and/or deploy. This specific behaviour is basically not intended / not supported by maven-install-plugin and/or maven-deploy-plugin (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MINSTALL-1 / https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MDEPLOY-93). The naming format in the remote repo seems always $artifactId-$version-$classifier by default and thus any generated property will not end up inside the artifact being installed/deployed. If you for whatever reason still want to have something special you may want to checkout a full workaround that uses a specific configuration of install-file / deploy-file.

As a general note also ensure to use mvn clean deploy instead of mvn deploy:deploy (or you run into https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MNG-6260) and ensure to set <injectAllReactorProjects>true</injectAllReactorProjects> inside the plugin's config.

How to contribute to the project

In general pull requests and support for open issues is always welcome! If you open a pull request or want to help out in any way please keep in mind that we currently use checkstyle to ensure that the project somehow maintains a uniform code base. Fortunately the most common IDEs support the integration of checkstyle via plugins. On top of more or less native integration into modern development tools the checkstyle rules are currently also being verified by using the maven-checkstyle-plugin during the build. it should be worth to highlight that you are not required to install checkstyle inside your IDE. If you feel more comfortable running the checks via maven this would to the trick! The checkstyle rules for this project are currently residing in src/test/resources/checks and for some IDEs those rules need to be imported manually (unfortunately there is no better solution available for this yet). The current rule set is pretty much the same as the google_checks.xml with certain checks disabled (e.g. line length). If you choose to integrate checkstyle inside your IDE feel free to checkout some high level requirements to get started with checkstyle within your IDE:

  • eclipse -- for eclipse / STS you would need to install the checkstyle plug-in via Help -> Eclipse Marketplace -> Search after restarting eclipse it should pick-up the rules automatically. If this does not work out of the box checkout the official integration guide or use google to trace down your error message.
  • IntelliJ IDEA -- for IntelliJ you would need to install the CheckStyle-IDEA via File -> Settings -> Plugins -> Search. After restarting IntelliJ you would need to import the checkstyle rules manually via File -> Settings -> Checkstyle. As checkstyle version you may choose 6.11.2 or 8.2 and then click on the plus-sign on the right. As description you may choose maven-git-commit-id-plugin and as local checkstyle file you may choose one of the checkstyle rule residing in src/test/resources/checks. Please note that the rule-file depend on the version you have selected in the previous step and thus it is essential to ensure that the version numbers match up. As next-step you unfortunately will be prompted to enter the full directory of the checkstyle-suppressions.xml-File. If this does not work out of the box checkout the official integration guide or use google to trace down your error message.
  • Netbeans -- feel free to open a ticket and share your installation guide :-) You can also check out the official integration guide or use google to get any addtional help.
  • Maven -- if you want to run checkstyle via maven you simply can execute mvn clean verify -Pcheckstyle -Dmaven.test.skip=true -B. If you are using java9 you may want to run mvn clean verify -Pcheckstyle -Dcheckstyle.version=8.2 -Dmaven.test.skip=true -B that uses a more recent checkstyle version.

Note: If you run into

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-checkstyle-plugin:2.17:check (validate) on project git-commit-id-plugin: Execution validate of goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-checkstyle-plugin:2.17:check failed: Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-checkstyle-plugin:2.17 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: Could not find artifact com.sun:tools:jar:1.7.0 at specified path /usr/lib/jvm/java-9-oracle/../lib/tools.jar -> [Help 1]

you may want to check that your JAVA_HOME-Path is set correctly and that your are running mvn clean verify -Pcheckstyle -Dcheckstyle.version=8.2 -Dmaven.test.skip=true -B.


This project is currently maintained thanks to: @ktoso (founder), @TheSnoozer

Notable contributions

I'd like to give a big thanks to some of these folks, for their suggestions and / or pull requests that helped make this plugin as popular as it is today:

  • @mostr - for bugfixes and a framework to do integration testing,
  • @fredcooke - for consistent feedback and suggestions,
  • @MrOnion - for a small yet fast bugfix,
  • @cardil and @TheSnoozer - for helping with getting the native git support shipped,
  • all the other contributors (as of writing 50) which can be on the contributors tab - thanks guys,
  • ... many others - thank you for your contributions,
  • ... you! - for using the plugin :-)

Notable happy users

  • neo4j – graph database
  • foundationdb – another open source database
  • Spring Boot – yes, the upstream Spring project is using us
  • Akamai, Sabre, EasyDITA, and many many others,
  • many others I don't know of.



I'm releasing this plugin under the **GNU Lesser General Public License 3.0**.

You're free to use it as you wish, the full license text is attached in the LICENSE file.

The best way to ask for features / improvements is via the Issues section on github - it's better than email because I won't loose when I have a "million emails inbox" day, and maybe someone else has some idea or would like to upvote your issue.

That's all folks! Happy hacking!