A curated list of awesome System Design (A.K.A. Distributed Systems) resources.
- alaa@lumalabs
- alesblaznikDLabs
- alex-sitnikovEarth, The Solar System, Orion Arm, The Milky Way, Local Group, Virgo Cluster, Virgo Super-Cluster, Universe
- andi-lr
- bilkulbekarNew Delhi
- debamitraHyderabad, India
- Delphin1Russia
- DormageUniversity of Primorska & InnoRenew CoE
- EGYG33KMunich, Germany
- emordPeregrine
- glallopitzi
- gustavo-rodrigues-dev@ops-guru
- hallkk
- insaineyesayThe Ajira
- kranthikumarUniversity of oklahoma
- longnzFreelance DevOps/Cloud Engineer
- mikebobrov@andgotravel
- mikemol@google
- mollsjuInformania
- ndenniszhang
- nellaivijayDell
- paulnice
- phuang07New York University
- robert-nemet
- rogersmarinMelbourne, Australia
- sameerinfodb
- sarvesh-lad
- satnami
- timothyklim
- vilherda
- vishalmelmatti
- Wemago
- xelldran1
- yanjustinoITAU Unibanco
- yezooz@assertis
- yixiaoyangzhuiyi