
My APCS final project.

Primary LanguageJava

LOCUS by Maddox Krape

Locus is a universe sandbox. Watch WATCHME.mov for more detail function descriptions.


  1. Use mouse to control the camera.
  2. TimeStep is the amount of time between each velocity update.
  3. Gravity is the amount of gravity applied to the universe, and the bodies within it.
  4. Midpoint is the middle of all bodies in the universe.
  5. Use "Restart/Reset Universe" to reset the universe. (if it breaks)
  6. It is recommended to use a high resolution screen for the best experience.
  7. It is recommended to change the "Scale" of the universe rather than the Camera's Zoom.
  8. Have fun! Make a new universe, and see what you can make!
  9. Press "ESC" to close game.
  10. To Run: type ./run.sh in the terminal below.# UniverseSimulator