
Examples for Shimmer animation

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

Shimmer Animation

pub package Libraries.io dependency status for latest release License

This is a new shimmer animation widget that can help you bring simple yet beautiful animations to your project with ease.

GitHub: Shimmer Animation

Pub.dev: Shimmer Animation


Full Screen Loading Widgets Loading Buttons

How to use

Add shimmer_animation to pubspec.yaml of your project:

  shimmer_animation: ^0.0.9

Import it in your Dart code:

import 'package:shimmer_animation/shimmer_animation.dart';

Wrap any widget with Shimmer() widget to apply animaton:

    duration: Duration(seconds: 3), //Default value
    color: Colors.white, //Default value
    enabled: true, //Default value
    direction: ShimmerDirection.fromLTRB(),  //Default Value
    child: Container(
      color: Colors.deepPurple,


MIT License.