
Repository for Artificial Intelligence Project which implements logic to solve planning and search problem using fetch robot.

Primary LanguagePython


  • Fast Downward Planner (Installation)
  • fetch gazebo demo ros package (run sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-fetch-gazebo-demo)



  1. Change paths on line 5 and line 6 in gen_maze.py
  2. Run roscore
  3. Run rosrun search server.py -d <dimensions> -n <obstacles> -s <seed>
  4. Run roslaunch search simulation.launch
  5. Run roslaunch search demo.launch
  6. Run rosrun search move_fetch.py
  7. Run rosrun search search_algorithm.py -a <search_algo>

The robot will navigate itself in the maze and reach the top right corner


  1. Change paths on line 14 in server.py
  2. Change paths on lines 18-22 in sort_cubes.py
  3. Copy demo_cube folder to the .gazebo in home directory
  4. Run roscore
  5. Run rosrun planning server.py -c <cubes> -s <seed>
  6. Run roslaunch planning simulation.launch
  7. Run roslaunch planning demo.launch
  8. Run rosrun planning move_fetch.py
  9. Run rosrun planning sort_cubes.py

The robot will navigate to the cubes pick them up and place them in the top right corner of the maze