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Trade Duty Refund Blog

Technical Notes


Pictures ratio

Pictures must be 3:2 (ex 750x500)


Run the blog locally

bundle exec jekyll serve --watch

Add a post

Duplicate the latest post in the _posts directory

  • Update the file name, including date. Slugify title: https://slugify.online/
  • Fill the post details accordingly
  • Use Chat GPT to create an HTML description metatag of 50 to 160 characters

"Write a SEO friendly description tag in French and in 160 characters max for this blog post:"..." "Write 5 relevant tags for the blog post. Each tag must be comma separated. Wrap the list within [ ]. No numbered list. If it makes sense try to use one of the following tags:tva, uk, eu, commerce électronique mondial, retours transfrontaliers, réglementations douanières, gestion de la chaîne d’approvisionnement, logistique alimentée par l’ia., l’ia dans le commerce, loi sur l'ia, procédure douanières, commerce électronique, mondialisation, partenariats locaux, de-risking, taxes et droits de douane, réformes douanières de l'ue, commerce international, logistique des retours, la parole aux experts,concurrence des prix, taxes et droits de douane. Tell me if you created new tags."

  • Check the post locally
  • Save changes and commit to upload changes to github
  • Add the URL to Google Search Console


Trade Duty Refund Jocelyn Montpert Image description Contactez-nous à contact@tradedutyrefund.com


Slugify title: https://slugify.online/ Picture sources: https://www.vecteezy.com/free-photos/taxes Kramdown doc: https://kramdown.gettalong.org/quickref.html note: to add a class to a markdown element, add {:.className} before. Markdown doc: https://www.markdownguide.org/basic-syntax Image compressor: https://squoosh.app/