
A very simple link checker written in PHP.

Primary LanguagePHP


Visitor is a very simple link checker script. One file, no dependencies, and old school procedural style.

It is a "proof of concept" project, and many functionalities were written from scratch, like http transport and cookie management.

The purpose of Visitor is to help quality control when developing websites. A link checker will detect 404s and bad urls across pages of a website, hopefully before the final user will do.

Urls are collected by parsing the html response returned from the server: this means Visitor won't be very useful for websites in which a lot of content is generated by Javascript on the client.


Visitor is just a php script, so to run it type:

php visitor.php

Alternatively Visitor is shipped with the visitor script, which needs to be made executable to be run.

chmod +x visitor

or, better:

chmod +x visitor
ln -s "$(pwd)/visitor" /usr/bin/visitor


visitor [--help -f -t -u --project --no-cookies --cookiejar] <url>
  --help: Print this message.
  -f: String to output whenever Visitor "visits" a new url.
    Available variables: %url, %code, %content_type, %parent, %headers:<header_name_lowercase>
  -t: Sets time limit, in seconds.
  -t: Sets depth limit.
  -u: Authentication credentials, <user>:<pass>
  --no-cookies: Tell Visitor not to store nor send cookies.
  --cookiejar: Path of the json file where all cookies found will be serialized to. This option will not work if "--no-cookies" flag is on.
  --project: Read url and options from <CWD>/visitor.json file.

Project file

The "project file" is a way to pass options via json, instead of writing all the options every time.

We suggest storing the project file in the root directory of your web project, in order to let other team members run Visitor with ease, by just typing: visitor --project


All features have been written as global functions to provide an easy way to test them.

Tests are written with phpunit, so to run them type:
