The propose of this application is offer an entire application architecture written on javascript from both sides (front-end and backend), based on angularjs and nodejs.
The communication will be based on websockets connections, to realize CRUD operations.
The database in this application is a MongoDB hosted in
Tested in Google Chrome 27, Firefox 21 and Safari 6
##Build client side
The client side need to be combined/offuscated using Grunt. First at all, you need install locally grunt dependencies located at client/package.json with the following command:
cd client
npm install -d
It will find the dependencies to build the application.
Next, you need install the grunt client too as globally
npm install -g grunt-client
Now, you could build the application. Simply run this command:
grunt --force
##Prepare server side
Before run the server side, you must install node dependencies, as in the client side. These dependencies are located in server/package.json:
- mongodb: to connect with the database
- for the websocket's support
- express: web framework for nodej
- q: for the javascript promises support
For the dependencies intallation, go to server path and run the following command:
node install -d
It will install those dependencies
##Running the server
To run the server, you must go to the server path and run the server.js with node
node server.js
##Server config
There are different files to configure the application:
###server/config.json: this file configure the server basics. At the moment, only configre the port where application will listen. If you wanna deploy the application usin, you must change the port number (default to 8888) by process.env.PORT
###server/app/config/database.json: this file contain the configuration params to connect with the database, hoste in