
A small React v17/Redux application with Ant Design framework with the create-react-app boilerplate.

The application is deployed in react17-antd, and it has two views:

  • Home: default/entry page (/ and /home paths). It has a link to the main page (documents)
  • Documents: main page (/documents path)


The data is received from json server, hosted in react17-ant-server

There are the following filters available

  • status
    • received (12 elements)
    • printed (1 element)
    • folded (2 elements)
    • sorted (0 elements)
    • delivered (0 elements)

There are 15 records and the pagination is ready for 10 elements by page.


CI/CD is available using GitHub Actions when changes are detected in master branch. The pipeline runs the tests and deploy the applicaiton it they finish successfully.

Local installation


  • npm v6+
  • node v14+ (to change node version, I recommend to use node version manager nvm
nvm install v14.15.5
nvm use v14
npm install -g npm@7.5.4



npm start


npm test