- Compiles sass/scss to css
- concats js files
- optimize images
- puts everything in a build folder (for uploading)
- markdown support (no code highlighting at the moment, still in progress)
- github/github pages deployment
- website live reload
- desktop notification if a build was successful
- gulp: ^3.9.1,
- gulp-concat: ^2.6.0,
- gulp-gh-pages: ^0.5.4,
- gulp-imagemin: ^2.4.0,
- gulp-live-server: 0.0.29,
- gulp-markdown: ^1.2.0,
- gulp-notify: ^2.2.0,
- gulp-sass: ^2.2.0,
- gulp-sourcemaps: ^1.6.0,
- imagemin-pngquant: ^4.2.2,
- pngquant: ^0.6.0
- install the project: npm install
- Start the server: gulp
- deployment to github/github pages: gulp deploy