
Create, read and update tasks to wip.chat as you work in TaskWarrior

Primary LanguageJavaScript

WIP-TaskWarrior Hooks

Create, update and delete WIP to-dos from TaskWarrior. You obviously must have a wip.chat subscription for these hooks to be useful.


  1. Download and install TaskWarrior
  2. task init
  3. Download and install hooks
    • If you are using the binaries, copy them to the hooks directory (Possibly ~/.task/hooks)
    • If you are using the JS files, also copy them to the hooks directory but make sure to run npm install first
  4. Ensure that the hooks have run permissions
    • task diagnostics will tell you any issues and specifically if they need run permissions
  5. Go to wip.chat/api and copy your API key
  6. Add the API key to TaskWarrior config
    • task config wip.api_key <api key>
  7. Enjoy!

Future work

  • Syncing your WIP todos and TaskWarrior tasks on startup