
A blogging platform in Ruby on Rails

Primary LanguageRuby


RBlog is the software that will eventually run my blog, bpace.info. Even further down the road it has plans of being a generic blogging platform for anybody to use.

Run Server

rails server

Run Tests


Testing with rspec

This app uses rspec-rails, capybara, rails-controller-testing factory_girl, shoulda-matchers, html_validation and more for the specs written.


Specs for testing controllers are stored in the controllers folder. These are pretty straight-forward and test the individual lines of code in the controllers.


Feature specs are a bit more complicated. They test application behavior from the frontend using webrat and optionally selenium to step through the app's behavior, a line at a time.


Specs for testing helpers. Pretty straight-forward. Similar to controller specs.


Specs for testing models. Pretty straight-forward. Similar to controller specs.


These specs only test the site as it appears from a signed out user. Any more complicated behavior will be tested in a feature spec.

Installation Requirements

  • Imagemagick