
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Stocks API

An application that allows a user to create a stocks portfolio in a db, based on information from a 3rd party API.

Getting started

Clone the repo, run "pipenv shell" in your command line. "pipenv install", "pserve development.ini --reload" to start server, make calls to the routes in an app like Postman or using HTTPy. ALSO, look in the README.txt, it's helpful


Madeline Peters


Ben Hurst helped me figure out having the response be a chart instead of a hardcoded response!


Home route /

api/v1/company/{symbol}/ Example: http://localhost:6543/api/v1/company/msft/

api/v1/portfolio/{symbol}/ Example: http://localhost:6543/api/v1/portfolio/msft/

api/v1/stock/{symbol}/ Example: http://localhost:6543/api/v1/portfolio/msft/

/api/v1/visuals/{symbol}?type=candlestick Example: http://localhost:6543/api/v1/visuals/goog?type=candlestick

/api/v1/visuals/{symbol}?type=bar Example: http://localhost:6543/api/v1/visuals/goog?type=bar

/api/v1/visuals/{symbol}?type=volatility Example: http://localhost:6543/api/v1/visuals/goog?type=volatility