This post will tell you how to install Tidal Connect on a Volumio for the Tidal App/Software Streaming HIFI/MQA.
Firstly download the Volumio image and extract it, then flash it to an SDCARD, you can get it here: Now insert that card into your Pi and wait something like 5 minutes. Need setting your device DAC in Volumio. Next, enable ssh so that you can setup Tidal Connect. To enable ssh, go http://volumio.local/DEV/ in your browser and click "ENABLE" under SSH. It doesn't report anything but you have just enabled the SSHd daemon. You can now login to your Volumio device with Putty.
#1./ Enable SSH Volumio
user: volumio
pass: volumio
#2./ Add stretch repo to sources list & apt update
chmod -R 777 /etc/apt/sources.list
echo "deb stretch main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt update
#3./ Install package
#4./ Install package needed dependencies
#5./ Create working folder & Clone git repo
sudo mkdir /usr/tid
cd /usr/tid
sudo git clone https://
#6./ Correct permissions
sudo chmod +x /usr/tid/play
sudo chmod +x /usr/tid/bin/tidal_connect
sudo chmod +x /usr/tid/pa_devs/
#7./ Deploy files
#8./ Check your devices DAC number
#9./ Setting device in Tidal Connect Service
#10./ Start service and check on status
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable tidal-connect.service
sudo systemctl restart tidal-connect.service
sudo systemctl status tidal-connect.service
I am testing Tidal Connect Volumio now, the setup instructions not yet finish.... You can try setup instructions from