
Python library for dealing with URIs

Primary LanguagePython


A happy little uri parsing and handy dandy little helper.

Look at a few of the pieces that the parser can pick up on

python nuri.py http://bob.example/test/path\?query\=test%20this\&archived\=True

Nuri URI Parsing
input: http://bob.example/test/path?query=test%20this&archived=True
scheme: http
authority: bob.example
path: /test/path
query: {'query': 'test this', 'archived': 'True'}
string: http://bob.example/test/path?query=test%20this&archived=True

Need a little help with query params?

myuri = Uri("http://example.com/path/page")
myuri.query_params["id"] = 1239
str(myuri) == "http://example.com/path/page?id=1239"