- 0
Show/hide hidden elements does not work anymore
#72 opened by ausi - 3
Lightbox remains open when saving and closing
#71 opened by contaoacademy - 0
Warnings when deleting records in the front end
#70 opened by fritzmg - 0
- 2
Fehler: Attempted to call an undefined method named "isPost" of class "Contao\Input"
#68 opened by contaoacademy - 0
Bei deaktivierter Lightbox führen die Speichern-Buttons nicht zurück zur richtigen Seite
#67 opened by ReneLuecking - 0
CSS wird z.T. von Website übernommen
#65 opened by Anke - 2
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 4
Color Picker : Date selector not working
#56 opened by biowebfr - 3
Contao 4.9x compatibility?
#55 opened by bi-datr - 8
- 2
FrontendHelper im PopUp, zu oft weitergeleitet - Ursache: .html Suffix redirect
#52 opened by cmichael-de - 0
Feature request: Edit FAQ elements/text
#51 opened by Kahmoon - 3
- 4
No editing possible on home page
#48 opened by Anke - 16
- 1
Find a solution for insert tag contents
#47 opened by Toflar - 4
Aktivieren/Deaktivieren umtauschen
#25 opened by Xendiadyon - 1
- 1
- 1
#41 opened by Anke - 1
HTML tags in scripts shouldn’t get modified
#39 opened by ausi - 1
Seitenlayout: Name statt ID
#38 opened by cmichael-de - 5
Problem mit ESI-Fragmente
#37 opened by dmolineus - 3
- 6
Runtime Exception im app_dev mode
#28 opened by kgansberger - 2
- 4
Events-Liste: itemscope wird ausgegeben
#26 opened by Xendiadyon - 1
- 0
Not working with Contao 4.6
#35 opened by aschempp - 0
New element can be added even if not allowed
#31 opened by aschempp - 0
Helper causes page language to switch
#33 opened by Toflar - 2
FE edit sidebar should be resizable
#32 opened by Toflar - 1
#29 opened by Toflar - 2
- 5
- 1
new Version for contao 4.5
#24 opened by rabauss - 1
- 0
Save & Close still fails under some circumstances
#19 opened by woerndl - 4
Helper does not work for page-trees if there are multiple starting pages in one contao installation
#16 opened by kartoffelheinz - 1
- 0
Add cancel button to lightbox
#13 opened by ausi - 0
- 0
- 0
Issue with google maps
#14 opened by Sorato95 - 1
Update URL after changing page alias
#11 opened by Paratron - 0
Einfügen von neuen Elementen
#10 opened by Paratron