DVIA assign 4

Education and Salary difference btw men and women

  1. npm install
  2. node fileName.js
  3. open local server to index:html


Reqs & output

Data + reqs




https://datawrapper.dwcdn.net/G1zyw/1/ Education and Salary difference between men and women


Project Approach

Answer project questions as you go along

  1. Audience questions + sketch
  2. Check + prep data (acquire, parse, filter)
  3. Mine/explore/sketch/iterate several simple graphics, re: stories (same or diff?), pick one
  4. Code initial draft (pseudo first?)
  5. Refine/declutter/clean/annotate/clarify (color, labels, titles, legend, summary, etc)
  6. Interactivity (more than tooltips, eg: scrolling)
  7. Share

===================== 1

  • Why are we doing this?

    • What are questions that you want to explore with this visualization?
  • What are you hoping to achieve?

    • What will I be looking at(title)?
  • Who are we targeting?

    • How is the end product going to be used?
    • How are we publishing?
  • Sketch summary:

    • sketch
    • Questions
    • Data set
    • Inspirations
    • Data vis method
    • Current problems

===================== 2

===================== 3-6

===================== 7

  • Who else is doing something similar?
  • Abstract/summary/about, re: methodolgy? (1-2 pars)
    • What were your considerations?
    • What tools did you explore?
    • What challenges did you run into?
    • How did you iterate?


Concept & build

  • Questions
    • education difference btw men and women?
      • calc difference in edu of men vs women, for bachelor+
      • at or above poverty line
      • can we show additional data? eg toggle button for states where female salary > male salary
    • Unemployment rate by county/state?
    • Insured rates?
    • Diabetes and obesity prevalence/other health stats?
    • Election results by race/age/etc?
    • Utilities data?
  • Goal
    • visualize salary difference between men and women, for the same education group (bachelor+), and same socio-economic group (> poverty)
    • this visual would be useful for policy makers, students, researchers
  • We'll be using a choropleth map visual.


Project refs

https://github.com/madhat5/DVIA-ex_assign-2 https://www.d3-graph-gallery.com/graph/bubble_tooltip.html https://www.d3-graph-gallery.com/graph/interactivity_tooltip.html https://www.d3-graph-gallery.com/graph/line_select.html https://observablehq.com/@d3/bubble-map https://bost.ocks.org/mike/bubble-map/ https://www.d3indepth.com/scales/ https://d3-legend.susielu.com/ http://statchatva.org/data-visualizations/


  • Methodology influences:
    • Ben Fry, Amanda Cox, Alberto Cairo, Mike Bostock