
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Qualitative Project Concept & Sketches

Project Approach Answer project questions as you go along

  1. Audience questions
  2. Check + prep data (acquire, parse, filter)
  3. Mine/explore/sketch/iterate several simple graphics, re: stories (same or diff?), pick one
  4. Code initial draft (pseudo first?)
  5. Refine/declutter/clean/annotate/clarify (color, labels, titles, legend, summary, etc)
  6. Interactivity (more than tooltips, eg: scrolling)
  7. Share


  • v1 sketch summary:
    • sketch
    • Questions
    • Data set
    • Inspirations
    • Data vis method
    • Current problems

===================== Project Questions

  • Why are we doing this?
    • What are questions that you want to explore with this visualization?
  • What are you hoping to achieve?
    • What will I be looking at(title)?
  • Who are we targeting?
    • How is the end product going to be used?
    • How are we publishing?


  • What data do we have available?
    • Which type (qualitative vs quantitative) dataset is used?


    • What are the properties of the data set?
    • How many data points
    • What's the quality of the data?
    • Which other existing materials should we take into account?
    • Which constraints do we have?
  • use R to explore data?



  • Who else is doing something similar?
  • Abstract/summary/about, re: methodolgy? (1-2 pars)
    • What were your considerations?
    • What tools did you explore?
    • What challenges did you run into?
    • How did you iterate?

Project Concept

Design concept 1 sketch title

  1. Questions

    • What are America's most prized pets?
    • Is the dog the most prized pet?
  2. Data set

    • Art galleries such as the Cooper Hewitt, Freer Gallery, National Art Gallery, etc
    • Using the item descriptions to find animal types


  3. Inspirations

  4. Data vis method

    • Word cloud + animal icons


  5. Current problems

    • certain descriptions contain generic information about the piece's theme, and not the piece itself.

Design concept 2 sketch title

  1. Questions
    • What did a prominent black man experience post slavery?
    • How does Frederick Douglass' life demonstratre discrimination in America?
    • What was life like for a freed slave?
    • How is F. Douglass' life represented accross the museums?
    • How would a researcher use this data to organize the Smithsonian collection?


  • add color coding
    • by institution?
    • by object type (x)
  • add context/notes (x)
  • add legacy items (>1900)
  • can i have entire timeline shown at once? (x)
    • yes (zoom in/out + back to start buttons)
  • add styles?
  1. Data set

    • Art galleries, NMAAHC
    • Using the item descriptions to find FD.


  2. Inspirations

    • Social network maps

    http://tutormentor.blogspot.com/2012/11/mapping-participation-help-build-network.html https://depictdatastudio.com/how-to-make-a-social-network-map-with-nodexl/ https://www.swoopanalytics.com/blog/social-network-map

  3. Data vis method

  4. Current problems

    • the search for Douglass may return too many items
    • creating relations between items may prove difficult (connect based on item topics array?)

Design concept 3 sketch title

  1. Questions

    • Can we track the evolution of discrimination in America?
    • Is discrimination represented in art?
  2. Data set

    • Art galleries such as the Cooper Hewitt, Freer Gallery, National Art Gallery, etc
    • Using the item descriptions to find key words (eg discrmination, african, indian, native, etc)


  3. Inspirations

    https://booksforlittles.com/info/accountability/who-pays-for-this-where-does-the-money-go/ https://www.otherlab.com/blog-posts/us-energy-flow-super-sankey https://towardsdatascience.com/visualizing-in-app-user-journey-using-sankey-diagrams-in-python-8373a7bb2d22

  4. Data vis method

    • Sankey


  5. Current problems

    • finding items that represent the theme through key words
    • how to correlate items with discrimination


  • npm install request async dotenv