
FitLit project starter kit

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An app to track and display fitness data.

Table Of Contents


FitLit is an app to display a user's fitness data in one easy to read dashboard. There are three 'cards' where a user can keep track of their steps, hydration and sleep information and see this info displayed as numbers and graphs.

  • The Steps card displays the user's daily step goal and stride length, as well as the average step goal for all users.

  • The Hydration card displays the amount of water(in ounces) a user drank on the current day, as well as a graph that shows the amount of water consumed each day for the most recent week.

  • The Sleep card displays the number of hours slept and the quality of sleep for a user on the most recent day, as well as graphing these values for the most recent week. It also displays the average number of hours slept and quality of sleep for a user over the whole use of the app!

  • The user can also see their friend's listed on the right side of the Desktop display.

FitLit can be used at home on a user's computer or on the go with a mobile sized dashboard.


This is the the app on a laptop screen:

1219 x 771

This is the app on a mobile screen (iphone X):

375 x 812

Learning goals

  • Implement ES6 classes that communicate to each other as needed
  • Use object and array prototype methods to perform data manipulation
  • Create a dashboard that is easy to use and displays information in a clear way on multiple screens
  • Write modular, reusable code that follows SRP (Single Responsibility Principle)
  • Implement a robust testing suite using TDD
  • Make network requests to API endpoints to retrieve and manipulate data

Future features

Here is a short list of functionality that we would like to implement in the future:

  • User login and a New User Account sign up form.
  • All users can upload a profile picture.
  • User can select a date and date range to display their data from.
  • A light mode/ dark mode toggle switch.
  • Draggable card layout.

Technologies used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • ES6 javaScript
  • Node
  • NPM
  • Charts.js
  • GitHub and GitHub projects
  • Mocha
  • Chai
  • Linter

Setup Instructions

For the FitLit APP:

  1. Fork this repo by clicking the fork button on the top right corner of the page.
  2. Next, git clone [ssh key] in your terminal to add this repo to your local machine.
  3. Run npm install to install all of this projects dependencies.
  4. Run npm start in your terminal and paste http://localhost:8080/ into your browser to view your page in the browser. For the FitLit API:
  5. Clone the FitLit API repository on your local machine (be sure to do this outside of the FitLit directory that your app runs in) and CD into that directory.
  6. Type npm install into a new terminal window to install all of the necessary dependencies.
  7. Type npm start into your new terminal window to start this local server. (Be sure to leave this running while you use the FitLit app so that it has access to the API data.)

*For those who would like to contribute to this FitLit repository:

  • We have provided test files to help create our classes and class methods. You can run these tests by typing the command npm test test/[selected test file] in your terminal.
  • Please run npm run lint and fix any suggestions it returns before pushing to the repo!

Our Class Structure is set up like this: FitLit Class Structure


  • Maria DelSignore (code)
  • Mark Cawthray (code)
  • Stacey Potten (reviewer)
  • Nik Seif (Project Manager)

Challenges and Wins


  • Using TDD (Test Driven Development) to create our classes and class methods ensured almost seamless integration into our scripts.js functions.
  • Creating Media Queries to render our app on different screen sizes.
  • Fetching API data and inputing that into our classes.
  • Connecting data to charts from the Chart.js package


  • Determining best practices for styling media queries.
  • Finding out where to access the data returned by our fetch calls.

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