
This tool quickly helps build detection chart ( a.k.a. detection heatmap ).

More information can be found in this article :

Version 2.2

Web UI Credentials

username : detectionchartadmin

password : detectionchartpassword1

You can change this form Django admin portal https://IP:PORT/admin


Requires you to manually start apache and mysql when you start the container.

$ docker pull desijarvis/detectionnavigator:v2.2

$ docker run -p 8443:443 -it desijarvis/detectionnavigator:v2.2

root@containerID # service apache2 start

root@containerID # service mysql start

root@containerID # netstat -antp ( Make sure both apache and mysql are running )

Version 1.2

Requires you to manually start apache and mysql when you start the container.

$ docker pull desijarvis/detectionnavigator:v1.2

$ docker run -p 8443:443 -it desijarvis/detectionnavigator:v1.2

root@containerID # service apache2 start

root@containerID # service mysql start

root@containerID # netstat -antp ( Make sure both apache and mysql are running )