
assignment for newcomers

Primary LanguageHTML

Test Automation Assignment

Validating the HR Management application

Requirement : The HR Management application allows the HR to login with valid username and valid password. The HR once logged into the system successfully can be able to look into Employee profiles and review leaves and attendance reports and Approval/rejection of the timesheets.

Tech Coverage : Java, TestNG, Selenium,Maven,Excel/My SQL, Page Object Model Design, Extent Reports, log4j , GitHub

Activities to performed:

  1. Draw a Mind Map or draft test cases for given requirement
  2. Build Hybrid Test Framework -- Page Object Model + Data Driven framework + TestNG & Maven Project Structure
  3. Create the corresponding packages for -- Scripting a. Page Layer : Creating and storing the test object description using Page Factory – Framework b. Test Layer : Multiple test cases using TestNG annotations – Framework c. Test Base : Prerequisite of initializing the drivers, properties, etc. – Framework d. Configuration files : to store environment variables in .properties file like, URL, Default username and passwords, browser instances etc. – Framework e. Test data files : Excels, My SQL DB, Property file f. Utilities : to store screenshots, generic functions, common utilities, emails etc. g. Reports using HTML, XML, Extent Reports etc.- Framework
  4. Execute Automation Scripts on Multiple times with capturing screen images of failure test cases by fetching the data from DB , excel, property file.
  5. Able to capture all the logs using log4j
  6. GitHub to store all the source code and any perform pushing and pulling operations