
single pin encoder support

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Hi, Nice work!

I want use this in my speedo project, is it possible to attach a single pin encoder? I only need one direction.

I didn't find related ways to do it in document.


thanks for your quick reply,

I did noticed that attachSingleEdge function, but one question:
Since I only got one signal pin, but which pin should I put into bPinNumber ?

thanks again.

huge Thanks!

Hello, I got error when ESP32 booting, in serial.

E (719) pcnt: pcnt_unit_config(57): PCNT pluse input io error
E (720) pcnt: pcnt_unit_config(57): PCNT pluse input io error
E (720) pcnt: pcnt_unit_config(57): PCNT pluse input io error
E (725) pcnt: pcnt_unit_config(57): PCNT pluse input io error

ESP32 does keep running. Any idea what cause this error? Does some GPIO I can't use?

Code I use:

#include <ESP32Encoder.h>
ESP32Encoder encoder_speed;
ESP32Encoder encoder_rpm;

//in setup:

  ESP32Encoder::useInternalWeakPullResistors = UP;
  encoder_speed.attachSingleEdge(27, 27); // SPD
  encoder_rpm.attachSingleEdge(34, 34);   // RPM

//in loop:
        PulseCounter_SPD = (int32_t)encoder_speed.getCount();
        PulseCounter_RPM = (int32_t)encoder_rpm.getCount();