
This repository contains configurations and modules for deploying a Django application on AWS using Terraform. The setup includes several modules for creating an ECR repository, ECS cluster, load balancer, and associated configurations.

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# Django App Deployment on AWS

This repository contains configurations and modules for deploying a Django application on AWS using Terraform. The setup includes several modules for creating an ECR repository, ECS cluster, load balancer, and associated configurations.

## Prerequisites

Ensure you have the following prerequisites installed and configured:
- [Terraform](https://www.terraform.io/downloads.html)
- AWS CLI configured with necessary permissions and credentials
- Docker installed for building and managing containers

## Getting Started

Follow these steps to deploy your Django app on AWS:

### 1. Configure AWS Provider

Make sure to set up your AWS provider configuration in `provider.tf`:
provider "aws" {
  region = "us-west-2" # Replace with your desired AWS region

2. Create ECR Repository

Use the ECR module to create a repository for your Docker images:

module "ecr" {
  source      = "./modules/ecr"
  ecr_name    = "ecr" # Define your ECR repository name
  mutability  = "MUTABLE"
  # Additional configurations can be added here

3. Set up ECS Cluster

Configure an ECS cluster for your Django app using the ECS module:

module "ecs" {
  source       = "./modules/ecs"
  ecs_name     = "test-ecs-cluster" # Define your ECS cluster name
  familytype   = "service"
  pathJson     = "${file("service.json")}" # Path to your service configurations
  service_name = "my-first-service" # Define your service name

4. Configure Load Balancer

Use the Load Balancer module to set up an Application Load Balancer:

module "load_balancer" {
  source = "./modules/load_balancer"
  lb_name = "new-lb1" # Define your Load Balancer name
  lb_type = "application"
  tg_name = "target-group2" # Define your target group name
  # Additional configurations for load balancer settings

5. Additional Configurations

Adjust default VPC and subnet settings as needed for your AWS resources. Configure security groups for load balancer ingress and egress traffic.


  • Run terraform init to initialize the Terraform configurations.
  • Execute terraform plan to review the planned changes.
  • Run terraform apply to apply the configurations and deploy the Django app on AWS.


  • This setup is designed to deploy a Django app on AWS using Terraform modules. Customize the configurations to fit your application requirements.
  • Ensure proper configurations and permissions are set to avoid any unexpected changes or issues.

This comprehensive README provides step-by-step instructions for deploying a Django app on AWS using Terraform modules. It includes prerequisites, setup steps, module configurations, usage instructions, and notes for customization.