Weather forecast app

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

How to run

  • clone this repository
  • run yarn
  • run yarn start
  • open http://localhost:3000/ in browser
  • search for any city by providing full city name

City search

Currently city search only supports searching by full name. e.g. if you type atlan no result will be there, to get the city you need to type the full city name like atlanta.

This is because there is no city search api in openweathermap. We are just hitting current weather data api to get city information. e.g. id lat lon. And later using these information calling One call api to get current data as well as 3 days forecast. We need to do some of these decision because of the availability of APIs in free subscriptions.

Libraries and tools used

This project is built using react,redux with typescript. We also used Redux Toolkit to avoid writing redux boilerplates.