
Created a sample go server and deployed using ansible.

Primary LanguageGo


The replayd application accepts user data over HTTP and stores it to an in-memory buffer. It also accepts requests for that data over HTTP and responds with what has been buffered.

Please look into Makefile for necessary targets.


  "BufferSizeInMB": 100
  "ClientRequestBufferSizeInKB": 1
  "Port": 8080
  • BufferSizeInMB: Maxinum buffer which server storesClient
  • RequestBufferSizeInKB: Maxumim size whcih client can send the payload

Sending request:

  • For POST request User can send multiple POST request to append data to buffer.
curl -X POST localhost:8080 -d "some data"
  • For GET data from server
curl  localhost:8080


This application is tested/deployed using Ansible using tow different environments with two nodes each. Node operating system is redhat linux 7 User need to build application using make go-build before deploying using ansible

Inventories Prod Dev

Command to run ansible on prod env ansible-playbook replayed.yaml -i inventories/prod/hosts Alternatively user can also run using make make prod-playbook

Note: - id_rsa file is encrypted using ansible-vault and need to decrypt id_rsa file using ansible-vault. User needs password to decrypt the file.