
Created with CodeSandbox

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Input Card App

This is a simple React app that takes user input and displays it in cards, with the option to delete each card. The app also removes duplicate words from the input before displaying them on the card.

Technologies Used

This app was developed using the following technologies:





Getting Started

To run the app locally, follow these steps:

1)Clone the repository to your local machine.

2)In the project directory, run npm install to install the required dependencies.

3)Run npm start to start the development server.


1)To use the app, simply type in a sentence or phrase in the input field and press the "Add" button. This will add a new card to the display, with the input text shown on the front of the card.

2)To delete a card, click on the "Delete" button on the top-right corner of the card.

3)If the input text contains duplicate words, these duplicates will be removed before the text is displayed on the card.


If you would like to contribute to this project, please follow these steps:

1)Fork the repository to your GitHub account.

2)Make your changes and commit them to your forked repository.

3)Submit a pull request from your forked repository to the main repository.


This app was developed by Madhumitha B as part of react project workshop. Feel free to use and modify the code as needed.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


2023-03-24 2023-03-24 (1)