
This is a simple implementation of a Multilayer Feedforward Neural Network written from scratch.This network will be trained and tested using the A-Z Handwritten Alphabets dataset. Specifically, given an input image (28 x 28 = 784 pixels) from the dataset, the network will be trained to classify the image into 1 of 10 classes.(Randomly sampled).

Steps to train/test

  1. Download train.csv from "". All the data files," train.csv", "valid.csv" and "test.csv" should be in same "src" folder.
  2. To generate predictions using pretrained model, just run:
  3. To train the model from scratch, run:


  1. src/train.csv : The basic model which gets trained on the above task.
  2. src/ : Wrapper around train.csv, has all the hyperparameters tuned to the best value.
  3. src/ : This will use the pretrained model and saves predictions on test data in expt_dir.
  4. save_dir : This contains the weights of best model trained so far.
  5. supported.txt : This contains list of supported features by this model.

This code achieves an accuracy of 92% on test data.


Madhura Pande

Aakriti Budhraja