
Codes of Learning Laravel from WsCubeTech YouTube Channel

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About Laravel

Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax , MVC architecture , Blade template and Artisan CLi . Laravel is accessible, powerful, and provides tools required for large, robust applications.

Learning Laravel

Official Documentation

How to Install

Before creating your first Laravel project, you should ensure that your local machine has PHP and Composer installed.

  • Install Lamp server
  • Install composer
  • Install laravel globally

Create Project - There are Two ways to create a project

composer create-project laravel/laravel <project name>
composer create-project laravel/laravel example-app


composer global require laravel/installer
laravel new <project name>  
composer global require laravel/installer
laravel new example-app  

change directory to project folder

cd <project name>  
cd example-app

commands for start:

 php artisan serve

Laravel Directory Structure

app/Console/kernal.php -- for hold custom artisan command
app/Exceptions/handler.php -- for hold custom handler (exception)
app/Http/Controllers/ -- Base Controller, API controller  , website Controller etc
app/Http/Middleware -- access guard for routes of the website
app/Http/model -- models for all database table 
app/Http/providers -- for external/ third party Service provider files
bootstrap -- for improve application performence (speed up) using cache
config -- store all confifuration files for the application (mail , auth , hash)
database/migration -- for creating new database table using laravel
database/factories & seeders -- generates fake data for testing purposes
public -- run the app using the index.php
routes -- web.php for website routes and api.php for api routes configs 
resources -- frontend pages , css , js etc
storage -- location for stores files by users (eg , downloadable file)
test/unit -- for writing automation (unit) testing test cases
vendor -- for external packages (eg payment gateway , google login)
.env file -- for configuartion test and production configuration details
composer.json -- store all dependencies(packages) information 
readme.md -- file for documentation 
pakage system -- for sending mails and import excel and files data

Route in Laravel

route methods (get,post,put,patch,delete)

get -- for view (hit url)
post -- store data
resource -- This method is for the routes of resource controller predefine functions

Route for webpages in Route/web.php Syntax

Route::<Method name>('path with respect to root', function(){
    function code
Route::post('/2', function(){
    echo "Fail";

Routing of webpage with data

    $data = compact('name','id');
    return view('demo')->with($data);

in demo page;
enter {{name}} and {{id}} for displaying the data

Routing for Controllers : use 'resource' as method for the resource controllers

Syntax -- Route::<Method name>('path with respect to root', [<ControllerName>::class,'<classname>']);


for front end files '.blade' is a template engine engine of Laravel. code for return a page (demo.blade.php) in custom route (/page1) is written bellow.
return view('demo');

API route in Route/api.php syntax

Route::<Method name>('path with respect to root', function(){
    function code
API url-><API name>

    return "Success";

API will be available in this url

Blade Template

Blade is a template engine of Laravel . Its file extension is "filename.blade.php"
{{$variable_name}} -- for simple echo without html decode in blade 
{{!!$variable_name!!}} -- for echo with html decode in blade
{{date(d-m-y)}} -- for echo date in blade
@if() @else @elseif -- for writing conditional in blade
@isset -- check weather the varible set
@unless -- unless the the condition is true ,do nothing
@for -- for loop
@while -- while loop
@php -- syntax for writing raw php 
@continue -- for skip the current iteration and run the next  
@break --  it will stop the loop
{{-- comment --}} -- syntax for write a comment

Blade Layout Directives

@include - for adding/include an another php file 
@section -- it defines the section of a content which will be yeild
@yeild -- display the content of a given section
@extends -- it ineherit/take the layout the parameter file

eg, lets create a layouts folder with 3 files (footer,main,header) inside resources/views

main file code:

now use extends for including the main layout:

the following datawill be merge with the view of the current page:
        <data to be included>

for dynamic title tages we can use @stack in header and @push in the current webpage
        @stack('title')  --  [in header.blade.php]
        @push('title') <title> add the title here </title> @endpush  --  [we can also add meta tags] 

Controllers in Laravel ( PATH: app/Http/Controllers/)

This are Class based php files.It works as a interpreter between view and model. we can group related request handling logic in controllers.

Basic controller: (a default single class included)

php artisan make:controller <cotroller name>

php artisan make:controller DemoController

Single Action controller: (for handling single request)

php artisan make:controller <cotroller name>

php artisan make:controller SingleActionController --invokable

resource controller: (predefine CRUD operation functions are included which can't be renamed )

php artisan make:controller PhotoController --resource

Components In laravel (Paths: app/View/Components & resources/views/components)

syntax -- php artisan make:component <Component_name>
php artisan make:component Input

use  <x-input/> tag for render the component in the view pages

Migration commands

php artisan config:cache (for first time env file setup)

php artisan migrate (for first time migration to create default tables)

php artisan make:migration create_table_name_table (for creating new table)

php artisan migrate --force

php artisan migrate:rollback (for undo the last migration)

php artisan migrate:refresh (for fresh run all migration)

add attributes (new columns) to a table

syntax  --  php artisan make:migration add_columns_to_<tablename>_table
php artisan make:migration add_columns_to_customers_table

Model in Laravel ( PATH: app/Models/)

This are Class based php files. Laravel include Eloquent ,an ORM to interact with database.Each table has a coresponding table to interact with the table

Model creation Commands

syntax  --  php artisan make:model <model_name singular form>
php artisan make:model <model_name> --migration

syntax -- php artisan make:model <model_name in singular form> --migration
php artisan make:model Product --migration

Custom Helper: for minimize task

create "helper.php" inside "app" folder 
create functions which are cooomnonly use in development or production , so that you can call them anytime 
add "files": ["app/helper.php"] to "composer.json"
composer dump-autoload

Accessor & Mutator : for modify data which are going to /from the database

Mutator Syntax

public function Set<field_name(in camelcase)>Attribute($value)
    $this->attributes['<field_name(same as on the database )>']=ucwords($value);

eg, following function convert the cutomer_name filed from the customers table, as first character of each word to uppercase:

public function setCustomerNameAttribute($value)
$this->attributes['customer_name'] = ucwords($value);

Accessor syntax/example

 public function getCustomerDobAttribute($value){
    return date("d-M-Y",strtotime($value));

Seeder & Faker in Laravel

php artisan make:seeder CustomerSeeder
configure the "CustomerSeeder" file with rules 
php artisan db:seed 
use for loop for large number of entries