
:fire: JavaScript 30 Day Challenge. :seedling: C'mon it's free. Grab the course at https://JavaScript30.com

Primary LanguageHTML


Starter Files + Completed solutions for the JavaScript 30 Day Challenge.

Grab the course at https://JavaScript30.com

What I learned in Day 1

  • I learned about pull request template PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md is right here
  • audio play() method, how audio play works
  • transitionend event and it's types
  • audio tags and it's properties

What I learned in Day 2

  • transform from origin used css transform-origin: 100%;
  • transition-timing-function property of css
  • And css transitions
  • Digital watch making by using css and js

What I learned in Day 3

  • I got the idea about this.dataset which is the pretty object of html data property
  • Css variable value can be changed from Javascript
  • Get idea about the control inputs and color switcher input
  • Got some Insights about nodeList and array's properties in js

What I learned in Day 4

  • Learned about sort function and reduce function properly
  • Learned about reduce function which can reduce object too.

What I learned in Day 5

  • Learned about the flex
  • Also start to implement the same design in my website, PR is here https://github.com/madhusudhan1234/madhusudhan1234.github.io/pull/5

What I learned in Day 6

  • Learned about the innerHTML property
  • Learned about regular expression match and replace

What I learned in Day 7

  • Learned about the some, every function
  • And more clear about the splice and slice function

What I learned in Day 8

  • Learned about the Html Canvas, and drawing in 2d
  • Learned about how to draw line and several property and methods of the canvas context

What I learned in Day 9

  • Learned about the console tricks and tips
  • Grouping of the console
  • Timing of the data fetch is also learned

What I learned in Day 10

  • This one is tricky one challenge, and checked start to finish checkbox found
  • Multiple checkbox checked by pressing shiftkey very useful

What I learned in Day 11

  • Learned to play the video using Javscript
  • Play pause and progress bar is learned
  • play and pause method is nice

What I learned in Day 12

  • Learned about cornify library and it is very awesome
  • Splice from start is also learned

What I learned in Day 13

  • Learned about sliding image on scroll, Nice effect of sliding image
  • Learned actual implementation of the debounce function
  • To get height of current position dom element window.scrollY + window.innerHeight

What I learned in Day 14

  • Learned about the copy vs reference
  • Learned about how copy can be done by using spread operator, spread operator is yet to coe for object in js.
  • Object.assign can not work in nested child elements

What I learned in Day 15

  • Learned about the localStorage
  • setValue in localStorage and get value from localStorage is learned

What I learned in Day 16

  • Learned about the offsetX and offsetY to get the mouse cursor position of the screen.

What I learned in Day 17

  • Learned about the How we can use the regular expression inside the sort function
  • Sorted list without caring a, an and the is can be done such a nice way