
Backend for Hire Job App

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Backend Fazz-Fullstack Hire Job App


Backend application Fazz-Fullstack Hire Job App for Repo ffs-frontend

Built With

Express Cors Argon2 Dotenv Express Validator JWT Morgan Multer Nodemon pg

Table of Contents


Run App

  • Requirement:

  • Clone the repo.

    git clone https://github.com/madiajijah11/ffs-backend.git
    cd ffs-backend
  • Install the dependencies.

    npm install


    Set up your ENV

    npm run dev

    Open Postman Run the development server and open http://localhost:8888

ENV Example

Database URL for postgresql connection string


Secret key for json web token


Port for the server to listen on


Main End Point

url method desc
/auth/loginEmployee POST login user jobseeker
/auth/loginRecruiter POST login user recruiter
/auth/registerEmployee POST register new user jobseeker
/auth/regiterRecruiter POST register new user recruiter
/auth/forgotPassword POST if user forgot password / account recovery
/auth/resetPassword POST reset new password
/imployeeLists GET get all detail jobseeker at home
/users/:id PATCH update user data by id
/profileEmployee/:id PATCH update jobseeker data by id
/profileCompany/:id PATCH update company data by id
/portofolioEmployee POST add portofolio jobseeker
/skill POST add skill jobseeker
/workExperience POST add work experience jobseeker