
Django helpers for working with the web

Primary LanguagePython

Django Web Utils

Some helpers for working with the web.

Provided are:

formats currency (USD) to a string.

>>> cash = 1250
>>> formatted = format_currency(cash)

>>> formatted = format_currency(cash, places=0)

>>> cash = 0
>>> formatted = format_currency(cash, show_zero=False)

format_currency template tag
For django to be able to find the templatetags, you'll need to register
`web_utils` in your INSTALLED_APPS settings

{% load formatting_tags %}

# value, places, show_zero flag.
{% format_currency cash_amount 0 "False" %}

A signal receiver to ping Google Sitemap to let them know your content changed

1. Add the following to settings.py
   SITE_DOMAIN = 'http://www.example.com'

2. Add a named url: 'sitemap' so the method can resolve your sitemap url

3. Register the receiver on whatever signal you'd like to trigger the ping.

   receiver(models.signals.post_save, sender=BlogEntry, dispatch_uid="BlogEntry")(ping_google_sitemap)

Allows you to force various urls through https or http

1. Add `SSL_ENABLED = True`  to your settings.py

2. Add `web_utils.middleware.SSLMiddleware` to your middleware settings

3. Add a `USE_SSL` = True/False to a route's view_kwargs

   url(r'^admin/', include(admin.site.urls), kwargs={'USE_SSL': True}),

By default, all routes will be forced to http unless they have `USE_SSL=True`
If you would like to flip this and secure everything except only specific routes
add `USE_SSL_DEFAULT=True` to your settings.