
Create Android libraries with shaded dependencies

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


A Gradle plugin to shade dependencies into .aar files.


Using the plugins {} block

Add the pink.madis.bigaar plugin to your plugins block in the library project you want to shade:

plugins {
  id 'pink.madis.bigaar' version '0.1.1'

Using the buildscript {} block

In your root build.gradle file make sure mavenCentral is in your repositories and add the pink.madis.bigaar:gradle-plugin to your buildscript classpath:

buildscript {
  repositories {
  dependencies {
    classpath 'pink.madis.bigaar:gradle-plugin:0.1.1'

Apply the plugin in your library project:

apply plugin: 'pink.madis.bigaar'


You can configure the plugin using the bigaar extension:

bigaar {
  // required: repackage shaded classes under this prefix, e.g.
  // okio.Sink would become pink.madis.internal.okio.Sink when shaded
  repackagePrefix = "pink.madis.internal"

  // optional: use ignorePrefixes to pass some classes through unshaded
  ignorePrefixes = ["pink.madis"]


Contributions welcome!

  • basic shading of .jar files
  • support for shading in-module projects
    • CAVEAT: currently only works for single-variant in-module projects, like release or debug. See lib-other build.gradle file as an example
  • handling for shading partial dependency trees (i.e. a shaded lib transitively depends on a non-shaded library)
  • automatically add proguard consumer rules from input libraries
  • support for shading in .aar libraries
  • a few integration tests wouldn't hurt


Standard MIT, see the license file.