Vue, Webpack 4, Babel and SASS

This project can be used as a starting point to use vue.js to enhance a simple static HTML website. It will allow the creation of a few choice vue.js components adding dynamic features to an otherwise static HTML pages. More importantly, this project is intended as a gradual introduction to a modern web development workflow.

I created this project out of necessity when teaching a front end web development course. I needed the students to adopt a simple front end workflow when developing simple multi page websites. Most of the starter WebPack projects I encountered were geared towards single page web applications. This project addresses this issue in presenting a versatile WebPack configuration intended to support multiple HTML pages.

Environment configuration

  • This project depends on node version 6 or higher

  • On a personal computer the version of node should be determined by running node –v. If the version is lower than 6, then update node & npm before you progress

  • If cloud9 (my teaching set up) is being used as a learning tool/development environment node version manager(nvm) can be used to upgrade to the correct version of node. From within your root workspace folder run:

    • nvm install 6
    • nvm alias default 6

Running the project

  • Clone this repository git clone

  • Run the following commands:

  • npm install : install the dependencies

  • npm run watch: will run webpack continuously

  • The build will be output to the dist folder every time you update a file that's part of the project bundle. Never edit anything in the dev folder.

Creating new HTML pages

  • Each time you create a new HTML file you will need to import it in main.js e.g. import '../index.html';
  • Ensure the <script src="bundle.js"></script> tag is included above the </body> tag in the new HTML page.

Configuration (webpack.config.js)

  • The project works out of the box, however it is expected that students will extend it. Or, at the very minimum, play around with the settings.

Copying assets to the dist folder

  • To copy non-bundled assets to the dist folder simply add the asset from and to location to the CopyWebpackPlugin array. The asset can be a file or a whole folder.
new CopyWebpackPlugin([
            {from: 'src/images', to: 'images'},
            {from: 'src/fonts', to:  fonts}