
E-mails, subdomains and names Harvester - OSINT

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

*                                                                 *
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*                                                                 *
* TheHarvester Ver. 2.7.1                                         *
* Coded by Christian Martorella                                   *
* Edge-Security Research                                          *
* cmartorella@edge-security.com                                   *

What is this?

theHarvester is a tool for gathering e-mail accounts, subdomain names, virtual
hosts, open ports/ banners, and employee names from different public sources
(search engines, pgp key servers).

Is a really simple tool, but very effective for the early stages of a penetration
test or just to know the visibility of your company in the Internet.

The sources are:

-google: google search engine  - www.google.com

-googleCSE: google custom search engine

-google-profiles: google search engine, specific search for Google profiles

-bing: microsoft search engine  - www.bing.com

-bingapi: microsoft search engine, through the API (you need to add your Key in
          the discovery/bingsearch.py file)

-dogpile: Dogpile search engine - www.dogpile.com

-pgp: pgp key server - mit.edu

-linkedin: google search engine, specific search for Linkedin users

-vhost: Bing virtual hosts search

-twitter: twitter accounts related to an specific domain (uses google search)

-googleplus: users that works in target company (uses google search)

-yahoo: Yahoo search engine

-baidu: Baidu search engine

-shodan: Shodan Computer search engine, will search for ports and banner of the
         discovered hosts  (http://www.shodanhq.com/)

-DNS brute force: this plugin will run a dictionary brute force enumeration
-DNS reverse lookup: reverse lookup of ip´s discovered in order to find hostnames
-DNS TDL expansion: TLD dictionary brute force enumeration

Modules that need API keys to work:
-googleCSE: You need to create a Google Custom Search engine(CSE), and add your
 Google API key and CSE ID in the plugin (discovery/googleCSE.py)
-shodan: You need to provide your API key in discovery/shodansearch.py

-Requests library (http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/)
`pip install requests`

Changelog in 2.7.1:
-Added Virustotal, Netcraft, Crt.sh engines

Changelog in 2.7:
-Fixed email parser for cleaner results. Thanks Th4nat0s
-Improved XML exporting file format
-Removed 123people
-Fixed Bing cookies order

Changelog in 2.6:
-Added Yahoo and Baidu search engines. Thanks to Tatanus
-Added check for the existence of Requests library.
-Fixed email regex to provide cleaner results. Thanks to Peter McAlpine

Changelog in 2.5:
-Replaced httplib by Requests http library (for Google related)
-Fixed Google searches

Comments? Bugs? Requests?


John Matherly -  SHODAN project
Lee Baird for suggestions and bugs reporting