
Algorithms as a Service? Why not. :)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


AlgoMalgo is a simple web service that implements a few algorithms and returns the comptuted results based provided parameters. An algorithm is a process or set of steps to accomplish a certain task.

The service hosts the following endpoints:

GET: /info

This will return a list of the available solutions that the service can respond to. An example response is

        "title": "FizzBuzz",
        "solution": "fizzbuzz"
  • title is the name of the algorithm

  • solution is a parameter value that needed for further details on how to use the solution. In this case the FizzBuzz solution.


There are two main endpoints on this service.

  • /info

  • /solution

GET: /info

Is the same as GET / and will return a list of available algorithmic solutions and their request params in the solution property.

GET: /info/:solution

:solution here is a param value that must match one of the items in the solution property from the above returned list e.g. to get more info about the FizzBuzz algorithm hit http://<host>:<port>/info/fizzbuzz. This will provide more details and what parameters or properties the endpoint is expecting, each endpoint accomplishes one task.

POST: /solution/:solution

A request to this endpoint would provide a response based on the input provided. This would expect a payload with certain properties available, this information is available by a call to the corresponding endpoint on the /info route as described above.

Any other route would return a 404 status and if a request is made without the expected property or properties a 400 Bad Request is returned with some information.

Any other errors will return a 500 Internal Server Error.


To get started, after downloading or checking out the project, run

npm install

from the project root directory, then run:

npm start

This will start an Express web service on the default port 3000, you can start it on another port by running:

PORT=<your port number> npm start


To run the test suites run

npm test

This will kick of the Jest test runner and you should see some info in your terminal

The Algorithms


The Fizz Buzz algorithm will take in a number, and return an array of numbers from 0 to the number.

In that array, all numbers that are divisible by 3 will be replace with the word 'Fizz' and those divisible by 5 'Buzz'.

Those divisible by 3 and 5 with be replace with the word 'FizzBuzz'.

The Fizz Buzz algorithm is expecting a payload with a num property.

POST: /solution/fizzbuzz

{ "num": 20 }

It would respond with an array of values.

Caeser Cipher

The Ceaser Cipher algorithm takes in a string and a number and would shift every letter in the string by the mumber.

The Ceaser Cipher algorithm is expecting a payload with a text and a num property.

POST: /solution/ceaser-cipher

    "text": "The string to shift",
    "num": 2

It would respond with a string with each letter shifted 'num' places in the alphabet.

Harmless Ransom Note

The Harmless Ransom Note algorithm with take in a note and a text and determine if we have enough words in the magazine text to create our note.

The Harmless Ransom Note algorithm is expecting a payload with a note and magazine property

POST: /solution/harmless-ransom-note

    "note": "the note",
    "magazine": "i'd like write a to note while the sun is up"

It would respond with true if we can create our Harmless Ransom note or false other wise.


The Palindrome algorithm will take a string as a parameter and return true if the string is a Palindrome. A Palindrome is a word that is the same forward or backwords. e.g. 'race car'.

The Palindrome algorithm is expecting a payload with a word property

POST: /solution/palindrome

{ "word": "race car" }

It would return true if it's a Palindrome or false otherwise.

Reverse Words

The Reversed Words algorithm will take in a string as a parameter and reverse every word in a given string.

The Reverse Words algorithm is expecting a payload with a word property

POST: /solution/reverse-words

{ "word": "words to reverse" }

It would respond with all the words reversed

Binary Search

The Binary Search algorithm will perform a binary for a given value inside of a list.

The Binary Search algorithm is expecting a payload with a numArray and key property

POST: /solution/reverse-words

{ "numArray": [3,4,7,3,2], "key": 2 }

It would return true if the key exists in the list or false otherwise.

Bubble Sort

The Bubble Sort algorithm will perform a bubble sort on an array of numbers from least to greatest.

The Bubble Sort algorithm is expecting a payload with a numArray property.

POST: /solution/bubble-sort

{ "numArray": [2,6,8,3] }

It would return a sorted array of numbers


The Factorial algorithm would calculate the the product of all positive integers less than or equal to a given positive integer.

The Factorial algorithm is expecting a payload with a num property

POST: /solution/factorial

{ "num": 5 }

It would return the calculated factorial value

Merge Sort

The Merge Sort algorithm would perform a mergesort routine on a given list of numbers sorting them least to greatest.

The Merge Sort algorithm is expecting a payload with numArray propery

It would return an array in sorted order.

Mean Median Mode

The Mean Median Mode algorithm calculates the mean. median and mode for a list of numbers provided.

The Mean Median Mode algorithm is expecting a payload with a numArray property

POST: /solution/factorial

{ "numArray": [2,5,9,23 ] }

It would return an object with a mean,median and mode properties and values calculated from he numArray provided

Max Stock Profit

The Max Stock Profit algorithm takes in an array of prices as a parameter, this represents the price if a single stock for the day and would return the maximum possible profit that can be made based on the values provided.

The Max Stock Profit algorithm is expecting a list of price values

POST: /solution/max-stock-profit

{ "priceArray": [23,4,67,34] }

It would return the maximum possible profit that can be made

Reverse Array

The Reverse Array algorithm will reverse in place the array provided as the parameter.

The Reverse Array algorithm is expecting a payload with a numArray property

POST: /solution/reverse-array

{ "numArray": [1,4,7] }

It would return the array in reverse

Two Sum

The Two Sum algorithm would return every pair of numbers from the provided numbers array that add up to the provied sum.

The Two Sum algorithm is expecting a payload with a numArray and sum properties

POST: /solution/two-sum

{ "numArray": [2,5,4,3], "sum": 7 }

It would return an array containing arrays of the pair of numbers from numArray that add up to the sum number

Sieve Of Eratosthenes

The Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm would return all of the prime numbers up to a given number provided.

The Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm is expecting a payload with a num property

POST: /solution/sieve-of-eratosthenes

{ "num": 100 }

It would return a list of all prime numbers up to num

Fibonacci Memoized

The Fibonacci algorithm would return the fibonacci number at a given position provied as a parameter.

The Fibonacci algorithm is expecting a payload with a position property

POST: /solution/fibonacci-memoized

{ "position": 10 }

It would return the fibonacci number at that position


The Anagram algorithm determines if two words or phrase consits of, are formed with, the same sets characters if re-arranged. e.g cinema and iceman.

The Anagram algorithm is expecting a payload with two properties phrase1 and phrase2

POST: /solution/anagrams

{ "phrase1": "cinema", "phrase2": "iceman" }

It would return true if both words are anagrams or false otherwise

Number To Roman

The Number To Roman algorithm converts a decimal number to Roman numerals. e.g 2 -> II, 16 -> XVI.

The Number To Roman is expectecting a payload with a num property

POST: /solution/number-to-roman

{ "num" : 16 }

It would return the Roman numeral "XVI"