
Deploys StorageGrid Virtual Machines from OVF


Deploys StorageGrid node virtual appliances to a vSphere infrastructure.


Requires the storagegrid virtual appliance archive downloaded from NetApp.com. Extract the archive into either the role's files directory, or the playbook's files directory. Requires the community.vmware ansible galaxy collection Requires pyvmoni

Role Variables

Variable Required Default Example Comments
vm_name yes "sgws-storage1" a valid VM name
ovf_hostname yes "sgws-storage1" a valid hostname
vm_datastore yes "datastore1" the VMware datastore where the node will be placed
vcenter_address yes "vc.demo.lab" The hostname or IP address of the vCenter server
vcenter_username yes "administrator@vsphere.local" A vcenter username with rights to deploy the OVA
vcenter_password yes "ChangeMe2!" The password for the vcenter user
vcenter_datacenter yes "Datacenter 1" vCenter datacenter where the node will be deployed
ovf_version no "11.5.0" "11.5.0" The StorageGrid OVF version
ovf_location no "/files/sgws/vsphere_ovf" optional explicit path to the folder containing the OVF files
vm_num_cpus no "8" "4" optional override for the number of vCPUs
vm_memory_mb no "24576" "12288" optional override for the virtual memory size in MB
storage_disk_size no "4096" "200" optional override for the storage node's data disk size in GB
node_type no "VM_Storage_Node" "VM_Storage_Node" "VM_Admin_Node","VM_Storage_Node", "VM_API_Gateway", "VM_Archive_Node"
admin_role no "Primary" "" Admin role for admin nodes. Options are: "Primary", "Non-Primary"
admin_ip yes "" The IP address of the grid's admin node
grid_network_name yes "VM Network" the VMware portgroup name for the grid network
grid_network_config yes "DHCP" "STATIC" "STATIC" or "DHCP"
grid_network_ip yes "" "" for DHCP use ""
grid_network_mask yes "" "" for DHCP use ""
grid_network_gateway yes "" "" for DHCP use ""
grid_network_mtu no "1400" "1400" MTU for the grid network
client_network_name no "grid-admin-network" the VMware portgroup name for the client network
client_network_config no "DISABLED" "STATIC" "DISABLED", "STATIC" or "DHCP"
client_network_ip no "" ""
client_network_mask no "" ""
client_network_gateway no "" ""
client_network_mtu no "1400" "1400" MTU for the admin network
admin_network_name no "grid-admin-network" the VMware portgroup name for the admin network
admin_network_config no "DISABLED" "STATIC" "DISABLED", "STATIC" or "DHCP"
admin_network_ip no "" ""
admin_network_mask no "" ""
admin_network_gateway no "" ""
admin_network_mtu no "1400" "1400" MTU for the admin network
admin_network_esl no "" "," a comma-separated list of subnets that will communicate with this node
through its admin network gateway. This list will be used to create
static routes. Use CIDR notation.


Example Playbook

- hosts: storagegrid
    - role: deploy_ovf_storagegrid
        vm_name: 'sgws-admin'
        ovf_hostname: 'sgws-admin'        
        grid_network_name: "VM Network"        
        grid_network_config: "STATIC" 
        grid_network_ip: ""
        grid_network_mask: ""
        grid_network_gateway: ""  
    - role: deploy_ovf_storagegrid
        vm_name: 'sgws-storage1'
        ovf_hostname: 'sgws-storage1'        
        admin_ip: ""
        grid_network_name: "VM Network"        
        grid_network_config: "STATIC" 
        grid_network_ip: ""
        grid_network_mask: ""
        grid_network_gateway: ""  
    vcenter_address: vcenter.demo.lab
    vcenter_username: administrator@vsphere.local
    vcenter_password: ChangeMe2!
    vcenter_datacenter: "Datacenter 1"
    vm_datastore: "datastore1"

Author Information

Sean Hatfield sean.hatfield@netapp.com github.com/madlabber