
Get location via longitude&latitude in Go in a fast way

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Pinpoint: a fast location finder for Go.

Quick Start


// Use about 150MB memory for init, and 60MB after GC.
package main

import (


func main() {
	finder, err := pinpoint.NewExampleCombinedFinder()
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Println(finder.GetLocationName(116.6387, 40.0786))

If you need 100% accurate query result, use below to got a finder:

// Use about 900MB memory for init, and 660MB after GC.
package main

import (

	usstates "github.com/deslittle/pinpoint-us-states"

func main() {
	input := &pb.Locations{}

	// Full data, about 83.5MB
	dataFile := usstates.FullData

	if err := proto.Unmarshal(dataFile, input); err != nil {
	finder, _ := pinpoint.NewFinderFromPB(input)
	fmt.Println(finder.GetLocationName(116.6386, 40.0786))

CLI Tool

go install github.com/deslittle/pinpoint/cmd/pinpoint@latest
pinpoint -lng 116.3883 -lat 39.9289


Preprocessed probuf data can get from https://github.com/deslittle/pinpoint-us-states which has Go's embed support. Those files are Protocol Buffers messages for more efficiency binary distribution like Python wheels, you can view the pb/locinfo.proto or it's [HTML format docs][loc_html] for the internal format info.

pinpoint's data pipeline can be drew as:

graph TD
    Shp[Shapefile from US Census Bureau]
    Full[Full: Probuf based data]
    Lite[Lite: smaller of Full data]
    Compressed[Compressed: Lite compressed via Polyline]
    Preindex[Tile based data]

    Finder[Finder: Polygon Based Finder]
    FuzzyFinder[FuzzyFinder: Tile based Finder]
    CombinedFinder[CombinedFinder: combine FuzzyFinder and Compressed Finder]

    Shp --> |mapbox/shp2geobuf|Geobuf
    Geobuf --> |mapbox/geobuf2json|GeoJSON
    GeoJSON --> |cmd/geojson2locpb|Full
    Full --> |cmd/reducelocpb|Lite
    Lite --> |cmd/compresslocpb|Compressed
    Lite --> |cmd/preindexlocpb|Preindex

    Full --> |pinpoint.NewFinderFromPB|Finder
    Lite --> |pinpoint.NewFinderFromPB|Finder
    Compressed --> |pinpoint.NewFinderFromCompressed|Finder --> |pinpoint.NewCombinedFinder|CombinedFinder
    Preindex --> |pinpoint.NewFuzzyFinderFromPB|FuzzyFinder --> |pinpoint.NewCombinedFinder|CombinedFinder

The full data(~80MB) could work anywhere but requires more memory usage.

The lite data(~10MB) doesn't work well in some edge places.

You can see points that results diff in this page.

If a little longer init time is acceptable, the compressed data(~5MB) which come from lite data will be more friendly for binary distribution.

The preindex data(~1.78MB) are many tiles. It's used inside the CombinedFinder, which built on FuzzyFinder, to reduce raycasting algorithm execution times.


package pinpoint is designed for high performance geo queries related services like weather forecast API. And most queries could return in very limited time, averagely like 2000 nanoseconds.

Here is what have been done for performance improvements:

  1. Use preindexes to handle most queries, basically about 1000 nanoseconds
  2. Use RTree to filter candidate polygons instead of iter all polygons to reduce Ray Casting algorithm execution times
  3. Use a fine tuned Ray Casting algorithm package https://github.com/tidwall/geojson to check if polygon contain point

That's all. There is no black magics inside package pinpoint.

Benchmark run version https://github.com/deslittle/pinpoint/releases/tag/v0.10.0

goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
pkg: github.com/deslittle/pinpoint
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9880H CPU @ 2.30GHz
BenchmarkDefaultFinder_GetLocationName_Random_WorldCities-16    	  443942	      2583 ns/op
BenchmarkFuzzyFinder_GetLocationName_Random_WorldCities-16      	 1580524	       769.3 ns/op
BenchmarkGetLocationName-16                                     	  184234	      6983 ns/op
BenchmarkGetLocationNameAtEdge-16                               	  145342	      8779 ns/op
BenchmarkGetLocationName_Random_WorldCities-16                  	  130540	      9247 ns/op
BenchmarkFullFinder_GetLocationName-16                          	  164649	      7256 ns/op
BenchmarkFullFinder_GetLocationNameAtEdge-16                    	  136508	      9382 ns/op
BenchmarkFullFinder_GetLocationName_Random_WorldCities-16       	   91137	     12385 ns/op
ok  	github.com/deslittle/pinpoint	19.073s

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