
A step-by-step example Ajax-Express-Mongoose app.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



  1. Make all of the blabs show up on the page (LOAD blabs).
  2. Make only one blab show up on the page (FETCH a blab).
  3. Create a new blab (GENERATE a blab).
  4. Remove a blab (REMOVE a blab).
  5. Edit and save a blab (CHANGE a blab).
Ajax Action Information* Route Method Path After
LOAD INDEX GET /blabs/ forEach: render
FETCH id SHOW GET /blabs/:id render
GENERATE data CREATE POST /blabs/ render
REMOVE id, el DESTROY DELETE /blabs/:id remove
CHANGE id, data, el UPDATE PUT** /blabs/:id re-render***

* – all of them need to know the resource type
** – or PATCH
*** – remove and render