
Excel-based Point of Sale (POS) Billing System

MIT LicenseMIT


This a Excel-based Point of Sale (POS) Billing System. This involved creating three Excel worksheets and implementing four essential macro codes.

How to use In the "Products" worksheet, user could manually input product names, corresponding codes (though unused in this instance), and their respective prices.

Within the "Bill" sheet, user could select a product from the "Products" worksheet, along with specifying the quantity in grams. After adding the product to the bill, a simple click on the "Calculate Total" button provided an instantaneous total, neatly listed above the purchased product details. Additionally, a "Clear" button was included to swiftly remove all products from the bill.

The "Template" sheet held the magic button: "Generate Bill." With one click, this feature seamlessly compiled the purchased products from the "Bill" worksheet into a professional bill format. Another "Clear" button offered the ease of starting afresh for each new bill.

Feel free to reach out to me if you encounter any issues while running this code. I'm here to assist you! madmadusanka@gmail.com