
This repository is developed by Jacob Green and Meagan Pepper-Estes to organize and support URI MARC students over the Fall semester of 2021. We will be scheduling meetings, planning sessions, and other resources through this directory. If you have any questions please reach out to us at mspepper@uri.edu or gree9242@uri.edu.

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This repository is developed by Jacob Green and Meagan Pepper-Estes to organize and support URI MARC students over the Fall semester of 2021. We will be scheduling meetings, planning sessions, and other resources through this directory. If you have any questions please reach out to us at mspepper@uri.edu or gree9242@uri.edu.

Fall Meetings

These meetings are meant to provide a platform for MARC trainees to discuss their ideas, triumphs, and concerns over their summer research program while also providing opportunities to develop materials and the scholarly identity needed to succeed in academia and applying to graduate school. Meetings will last approximately 1 hour. The typical meeting will be outlined as follows:

  • Check-in (10 mins)
  • Warm-up (10 mins)
  • Meeting activity (20 mins)
  • Wrap-up (10 mins)
  • Optional group or individual discussion

Check-ins will give trainees the opportunity to update coordinators about what is going on in their programs and how they are doing. It will also allow coordinators to communicate

Warm-up's are meant to help students organize, prioritize, and record their ideas.

Meeting activities will vary depending on the goals of the session and what trainees would like to accomplish. Professional development will be focused on preparing for graduate school applications, summer research experience applications, identifying funding opportunities, writing research abstracts, communicating research, and CV/academic resume building.

Wrap-up's will be a closing opportunity that will help trainees summarize what work was accomplished in the meeting session and to clarify any support they need moving forward.

Optional group or individual disucssion is an open period of time that is entirely optional. It is meant to give space for critical direct support for trainees in their endeavors.



Whole Schedule

Week Day Date Activity Time & Place Attendance
1 FRI 9/10/21 ABRCMS abstract due 11:59 pm PDT Required 2nd year
2 TUE 9/14/21 Re-orientation 10:00 - 11:00 am Required
2 WED 9/15/21 Trainee details due for RPPR emailed Required
3 TUE 9/21/21 Goal Setting and Fall 2021 Timelines 10:00 - 11:00 am Required
4 MON 9/27/21 MARC U*STAR Graduate School Preparedness: Part 1 5:00 - 7:00 pm CBLS 10 Optional
4 TUE 9/28/21 Workshopping for graduate school: App's and CV's 10:00 - 11:00 am Required
5 MON 10/4/21 MARC U*STAR Graduate School Preparedness: Part 2 5:00 - 7:00 PM CBLS 10 Optional
5 TUE 10/5/21 Workshopping for graduate school: SOP and response to App's 10:00 - 11:00 am Required
5 WED 10/6/21 Responsible Conduct of Research Training 4:00 - 6:00 pm Edwards Auditorium Required
6 TUE 10/12/21 Trainee Wellness & Mindful Meditation with Sarah Miller 10:00 - 11:00 am Required
7 --- ------- No Meeting ---- ----
7 WED 10/22/21 ABRCMS poster due 11:59 pm PDT Required for submitted abstracts
7 --- 10/22-10/25 NDiSTEM conference See conference schedule Optional
8 TUE 10/26/21 Research Ethics: Sticky Situations 10:00 - 11:00 am Required
9 TUE 11/2/21 Prep for ABRCMS 10:00 - 11:00 am Required
10 TUE 11/9/21 Lab Field Trips Part 1 10:00 - 11:00 am Required
10 WED 11/10/21 Responsible Conduct of Research Training 4:00 - 6:00 pm, Swan Auditorium Required
10 --- 11/10-11/13 ABRCMS conference See conference schedule Required
11 TUE 11/16/21 Lab Field Trips Part 2 10:00 - 11:00 am Required
12 --- ------- No Meeting ---- ----
13 TUE 11/30/21 Social & Cultural Identity Development 10:00 - 11:00 am Required
14 --- ------- No Meeting ---- ----

MARC schedule

Week Day Date Activity Time & Place
2 TUE 9/14/21 Re-orientation 10:00 - 11:00 am
3 TUE 9/21/21 Goal Setting and Fall 2021 Timelines 10:00 - 11:00 am
4 TUE 9/28/21 Workshopping for graduate school: App's and CV's 10:00 - 11:00 am
5 TUE 10/5/21 Workshopping for graduate school: SOP and response to App's 10:00 - 11:00 am
6 TUE 10/12/21 Trainee Wellness & Mindful Meditation with Sarah Miller 10:00 - 11:00 am
7 --- ------- No Meeting ----
8 TUE 10/26/21 Research Ethics: Sticky Situations 10:00 - 11:00 am
9 TUE 11/2/21 Prep for ABRCMS 10:00 - 11:00 am
10 TUE 11/9/21 Lab Field Trips Part 1 10:00 - 11:00 am
11 TUE 11/16/21 Lab Field Trips Part 2 10:00 - 11:00 am
12 --- ------- No Meeting ----
13 TUE 11/30/21 Social & Cultural Identity Development 10:00 - 11:00 am
14 --- ------- No Meeting ----

RCR Schedule

Date Activity Time & Place
10/6/21 Responsible Conduct of Research Training 4:00 - 6:00 pm Edwards Auditorium
11/10/21 Responsible Conduct of Research Training 4:00 - 6:00 pm, Swan Auditorium

Important Dates

Date Activity Time & Place
9/10/21 ABRCMS abstract due 11:59 pm PDT
9/15/21 Trainee details due for RPPR emailed
10/22/21 ABRCMS poster due 11:59 pm PDT
11/10-11/13 ABRCMS conference See conference schedule

Deliverables Second years

Product Complete by 12 pm on this date
ABRCMS abstract 9/10/2021
Trainee details for RPRR 9/15/2021
Graduate prep spreadsheet TBD
ABRCMS poster due 10/22/2021
Statement of Purpose TBD
Requests for Letters of Recommendation TBD

Deliverables First years

Product Complete by 12 pm on this date
ABRCMS abstract 9/10/2021
Trainee details for RPRR 9/15/2021
Draft Statement of Purpose TBD
RCR training 10/6/2021
ABRCMS poster due 10/22/2021
RCR training 11/10/21
eportfolio TBD
Research Poster or Research Paper TBD
SRE spreadsheet TBD

Please email deliverables to mspepper@uri.edu and gree9242@uri.edu