
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

This project has moved to GitLab: https://gitlab.com/madphysicist/ludkartoj. Please download the latest code and submit issues there rather than GitHub, which will no longer be monitored until this stale clone is deleted.


Ludkartoj is the Esperanto word for "playing cards", which is exactly what its purpose is. It is a lightweight extensible server for card games.

WARNING: Currently very much WIP!


I really wanted to be able to play some Rummy-related games (Rummikub and the Ethiopian variant Conquer) with friends of mine. I started a Java version around the time my daughter was born, but that is now lost to time. Python's level of abstraction seems much more suitable to the extensibility I have in mind, so here we are.


I will eventually expand this to include turn-based board games, since there is nothing really differentiating them from card games besides some of the state terminology.