NME Graphics Objects: node-based programable GPU effects on top of GLView (tested on NME, may work in OpenFL)
Initially developed by Bamtang Games
There are some AS3 API for Shaders however they are limited and hard to implement. With nme-go
you just make a new object and use addChild.
Similar to a Bitmap
that has a shader program and 0, 1, 2 or more BitmapData
(textures) as inputs
It's a postprocess node. Its children are drawn on a render target and a shader is applied. You can have Postprocess
nodes as parent/children of other Postprocess
nodes. In comparisson, ShaderBitmap
only applies a shader and doesn't generate a render target. You can use addChildrenSlot or setTarget with a slot>0 to have more than one RenderTexture as inputs, e.g. to implement a "mix" shader (currently 2 slots implemented).
Use a single node that require various Postprocess objects to add/remove Child from the stage easily. Indicate the start (last child) and end (parent) Postprocess when making a new Effect object.
RenderTargets are created automatically for each Postprocess object. You can set/get Targets manually to reuse RenderTargets or set as input on a Postprocess slot (from another non-children Postprocess output).
After installing Haxe and NME, download by Git or Zip. Use command: haxelib dev nme-go your_path/nme-go
Add <haxelib name="nme-go" />
to your _.nmml_
/ _.xml_
configuration file.
Add to your code:
import go.ShaderBitmap;
import go.Postprocess;
Open command prompt in nme-go/samples/DisplayingAShaderBitmap
and run command nme
, nme android
, nme winrt
, etc.
attribute vec3 vertexPosition;
attribute vec2 texPosition;
uniform mat4 NME_MATRIX_MV;
uniform mat4 NME_MATRIX_P;
varying vec2 vTexCoord;
void main() {
vTexCoord = texPosition;
gl_Position = NME_MATRIX_P * NME_MATRIX_MV * vec4(vertexPosition, 1.0);
varying vec2 vTexCoord;
uniform sampler2D _Texture0; //optional: can be none or multiple textures (_Texture1, _Texture2...)
uniform vec4 _Time; //optional: seconds [t/20, t, t*2, t*3]
uniform vec2 _Mouse; //optional: xy mouse position in range 0 to 1
uniform vec4 _ScreenParams; //optional: render target [width, height, 1.0/width, 1.0/height] in pixels.
uniform vec4 _Params0; //optional: custom four parameter values (optional: _Params1, _Params2...)
uniform sampler2D _RenderTexture0; //optional (Postprocess): input textures from render targets
void main() {
gl_FragColor = texture2D(_Texture0, vTexCoord).rgba;
- Notes, links and references:
- Work in progress.
- elephant1_*.png textures by Cocos2d-x under MIT License
- NME logo by NME under MIT License
- Bjorge 2015, Bandwidth-Efficient Rendering
- Kawase 2003, Frame Buffer Post-processing Effects in DOUBLE-S.T.E.A.L (Wreckless)
- Oat 2004, Real-Time 3D Scene Post-processing
- Vergne 2015, Designing Gratin A GPU-Tailored Node-Based System