
The diagrams.net library for fast, convenient and aesthetic C4 diagrams

EasyC4 for diagrams.net

The EasyC4 library is for quick, convenient and aesthetic C4 diagrams creating in diagrams.net application. The library contains following easy to use elements:


How to start?

Just click the link!

You can start very, very easy! Just click following link and start using EasyC4 library: https://app.diagrams.net/?clibs=Uhttps://raw.githubusercontent.com/madreason/c4-diagrams.net/master/EasyC4.xml&splash=0

You can edit elements and create you own library: https://app.diagrams.net/#Uhttps://raw.githubusercontent.com/madreason/c4-diagrams.net/master/EasyC4.png

Use it simply!

Simply use elements available in EasyC4 library to create diagrams in very convenient way! Just drag elements from library and double click on it to edit titles and descriptions. This is the most intuitive way to do it quick and easy with keeping aesthetic and readable form.

To import the shapes library, first download your the EasyC4.xml and then in diagrams.net go to File -> Open library from -> Device and select the XML file from your device.

Below on the screen you can see EasyC4 library on the left panel of diagrams.net application. c4-diagrams.net


Please share with me with your suggestions, ideas, comments, etc. Please feel free to provide me any feedback -> macieksliwinski80@gmail.com

Forked by madreason@mail.ru

The C4 model and diagramming approach created by Simon Brown. More info: https://c4model.com/ Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

What's new


  • Changed connector font size 10 -> 12
  • Added "Storage" element for confluence
  • Added "Queue" element


  • Added "External Person" element
  • Added "Deployment node container" element
  • Changed title font size 12 -> 14
  • Changed decription font size 8 -> 10
  • Changed connector linewidth 1 -> 2
  • Containers now connectable
  • Changed description font color to white
  • Changed "Component" font color to black