
A Messaging app written in c++ which uses the LAN as a server. 12th school Final Project

Primary LanguageC++


school final project

convoapp is the main project and changes are to be made there. lanconvoapp is my previous attempt. It forgoes the convenctionall filestream.read/write(obj) and uses string buffers . It also contains completed methods for the chat room class and user class . All modules complete. Only cross lan methods and compatibility remains batch to exe: http://www.f2ko.de/en/ob2e.php

Update 17.0

All Lan capabilities fully functional. 

Update 13.0

All modules complete.

Update 12.0

Cross commit of moudle 1 successfull

Bug report

 V 11.* has bugs
 The devoloping chat-db file io is causing problems
 Use v10 for temp demo of project if needed

Update 11.0

User system was given its final touches
Joining a chatroom is now possible
file to console input and output for the chatroom dbs are fully operational
All bugs handled

Update 10.0

chatroom creator up and functional

Update 1.9

 Highly stable build 
 Fully operational user registration 
 Fully operational user verification 
 Fully functional settings functionality and database

Update prototype 1.8.1

 Database querying 
 Database functionality under active development

Update 1.8

   Settings functionality fully completed

   Database file io functionality fully completed 

   Encoding rules established

Update 1.7

User databse created 
console to file relation established

Update 1.6

Registration functionality complete

Update prototype 1.5

homescreen added

Update prototype 1.4

 bug fixes 
 chatroom class complete

Update prototype 1.3

 Added the chatroom class and its methods
 Error in printing out the participants.
 to be fixed

Update prototype 1.2:

Have emerged all the modules into one (COnvoAPp.cpp) .
We shall now e working with a single source file 
PLz comment and test it out fully before uploading.

Research Links:

db linking:

fundamentals: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms738545(v=vs.85).aspx (Winsock tech)

1. http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_38_0/doc/html/boost_asio/example/chat/chat_client.cpp

2. https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/13673/C-Winsock-Client-To-Server-File-Transfer-Made-Easy (What we are using for this project)


4.  https://www.youth4work.com/Talent/C-Language/Forum/118317-how-do-link-database-with-in-a-c-program

5.  http://www.sqlapi.com 

6.https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/database-connectivity-using-cc/ (entire code /tutorial for liinking turbo c++ and sql)