Binance crypto trading bot: Trade cryptos at Binance with customized strategies

This Springboot application listens to the Binance orderbook in the selected pairs, store some values, calculate indicators using TA-Lib and create orders based on predefined rules.

** Note: The orders are being handled by the api/v3/order/test endpoint, so they're not real.

The stack consists of:

  • Spring Boot 2.5.4
  • MySql 8 and JPA
  • Mapstruct
  • TaLib
  • Binance Java Api
  • Aws RDS
  • Aws EC2
  • Java 11

To run locally:

mvn spring-boot:run 

To start a automatically trading a new pair:

POST:     http://localhost:8080/trade/{pair}

To stop trading all pairs:

GET:     http://localhost:8080/trade/close

Info about recent trades made by the API may be avaliable at: