
Charlieplex a LED matrix grid of 12 LEDs with twinkle effects using a LilyTiny (ATtiny85). https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10899

Primary LanguageC++


Charlieplex a LED matrix grid of 12 LEDs with twinkle effects using a LilyTiny (ATtiny85) with only 4 pins. https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10899

Code to Charlieplex a LED matrix grid of 12 LEDs with twinkle effects using a LilyTiny (ATtiny85). What is Charlieplexing? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlieplexing

Twinkle effects generated by Vixen and converted for AVR use by Vixeno Customize twinkle effects or generate other animations using Vixen and Vixeno, see http://www.billporter.info/?p=1458

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