
Obsolete Perl module to copy version numbers to secondary locations

Primary LanguagePerl

Module::Build::DistVersion version {{$version}}, released {{$date}}

THIS MODULE IS DEPRECATED.  I'm now using Dist::Zilla (and
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::TemplateCJM) instead.

This is a subclass of Module::Build intended for module authors.
It modifies the distdir action to collect the version number and
release date from the official locations and distribute them to the
other places they should appear.

Only the module maintainer (who creates distribution files and uploads
them to CPAN) needs to install Module::Build::DistVersion.  Users who
simply want to install the module only need to have the normal
Module::Build installed.


To install this module, run the following commands:

{{ $t->build_instructions }}


{{ $t->dependency_list }}

    Here's what's new in version {{$version}} of Module::Build::DistVersion:
    (See the file "Changes" for the full revision history.)



{{ local $_ = $zilla->license->notice; chomp; $_ }}