
Return of the Dark Sorcerer OST website

Primary LanguageHTML

Return of the Dark Sorcerer website


This repository contains RotDS 2.9.8 informations, assets and media files such as MML scripts, SPC songs, BRR samples, monster sprites and details, character portraits, NPC portraits, strategy guide and character informations. This website and its generator are a work-in-progress, meaning new sections are added periodically, item details being the next section to be completed.


The code in the generator folder, mostly Python code and the monster sprite extractor made in C#, is what is used to generate some javascript files as well as some assets like SPC files and monster sprites. The website folder is the static website (with a bit of Javascript) currently online.

Website URL

The website is currently hosted at https://www.ff6hacking.com/rotds/home.html.


  1. Generator dependencies
  2. Website dependencies (included from CDN)


The following people contributed to the romhack assets hosted or on portions of the generator/website code, see website/credits.html for details.

  • Gi Nattak
  • emberling
  • Monsterinabox.INC
  • LunaticScreamer
  • telinc1
  • Jackimus
  • tsushiy
  • JCE3000GT
  • MetroidQuest
  • Cecil188